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I guess I should have planned better, but it worked out anyway. I couldn't believe that he'd left the door unlocked at that late at night, but I would have found some other way in if he hadn't.

I literally walked into the house I would be robbing through the front door. That was a new one. I immediately made sure no alarms would go off, closing the door as quietly as I could and dropping to a crouch.

I breathed softly, listening for any movement in the house. When I heard nothing, I took out my flashlight, starting to look around for anything.

I had only just started robbing houses, but I didn't know why. One of the reasons was because I had gotten away with it every time -- except that time -- and it was pretty fun. I really didn't steal much. I didn't make a noise or leave a trace. I took something small to get me through the next few weeks of struggling through debt and hunger and just general deprivation.

I wore all black with my hair up in a hat and my old ballet slippers, not from ballet but because they were comfortable and quiet.

But that particular night, I guess I wasn't careful enough. I heard the toilet flush somewhere in the house and panicked a little, hiding behind the couch in the living room. I took in long, quiet breaths, listening for anything else.

When the lights started coming on closer and closer to me, I had no idea what to do. But the lights stopped before they reached the kitchen which connected to the living room that I was hiding in.

I breathed out a small sigh of relief, thinking it was best to leave and see if I couldn't find something on the way out. I stood to go, but as I glanced back to make sure no more lights came on, I was brutally surprised.

I was pushed down from my back, landing hard on the floor but using my wrists to break most of my fall. I was being held down, the assaulter straddling my back and keeping a hand between my shoulder blades. I kept my mouth shut, hearing my heart scream as my brain did the same, racing to think of something.

"Don't try anything," I heard him say, assuming it was the owner of the house. How had he heard me? "I have the police dialed and one button will put you in jail." I felt the adrenaline pulsing through me, beginning to really freak out. I hadn't practiced since I'd never been caught. What was I supposed to do?

I stayed silent for a few seconds, knowing what I was thinking was risky and underdeveloped.

"What did you take-" I didn't let him finish, launching my foot up and into his back, causing him to lean down towards my head. I used both of my hands and held his head from behind, flipping us both over onto our backs on the hard floor. I then took that time in which he was stunned and flipped over to then be straddling him and holding him down with his eyes staring up at me in the dark.

I saw the phone had fallen out of his hands, more relieved than ever until I heard the ringing coming from that very thing a few feet away.

"It's too late," he exhaled, shoving his hands into my shoulders to get me off. I sat on the ground, staring up at him in terror as he explained to the authorities what was going on.

He rushed, getting his address out and running to flip on the light as to not lose sight of me. But I had nowhere to go. Nevertheless, my mind and eyes searched for a way out.

He had just put a smirk on his face when he looked down at me.

"Y-you're a girl?" he stuttered, and I stood to snatch the phone from his hands. He let me take it, the screen already dark. I looked back to his blue, wide eyes locked on me, furrowing my eyebrows. He was making no moves to restrain me further.

What have I done? What will I do now? I felt my head pounding as well, everything working overtime but to no use. I could already hear the sirens since this guy lived in town.

I began to walk towards a window, unlatching it without a second thought, but he grabbed my wrist, but just as I was about to fight back, I saw him ripping off his jacket. He told me to put it on, taking my hat off as well. I stood motionless, so he put the jacket over my black jumper himself.

My hair fell out, and he moved his hands to fix it quickly, just as I was getting curious. He grabbed some glasses from the piano behind me, putting them and taking one last look at me before finishing to open the window and knock over a few things near it.

He rushed back over to me just as it seemed the sirens were right next to us, intertwining our fingers.

"Follow my lead," he spoke just loud enough for me to hear. I tried to nod as we walked to open the door before they could knock on it.

They came in, and he told them that they'd come in quite loudly -- which made me squeeze his hand a little harder -- and he'd been assaulted. They overpowered him, so they assumed it was a man, and then took off out of the window. The policemen talked about a serial robber in the area, but from the way they were talking, it wasn't me. They asked for a description, but he had none, and then his phone number, and they left surprisingly fast.

I was still terrified, twisting his arm behind his body just as the door closed and slamming him, quietly enough so they wouldn't come back, against the nearest wall.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him, our faces very close.

"I don't know," he let out, his face slightly twitching in pain. I pushed a little harder, seeing him grit his teeth.

"I really," he started, pausing to look me in the eyes. "Don't know." I let him go, taking the glasses off along with his jacket. "Maybe I'm an idiot." I raised a shoulder, seeing how it was a good possibility.

I couldn't help but sit down on the couch and give out a small smile of not only disbelief but triumph.

"What were you planning to steal?" he asked me, and I looked back at him for a few seconds, glancing around the room.

"I don't know," I sighed out, raising an eyebrow a second later. "Maybe the whole house since you don't know how to keep your front door locked." His eyes widened.

"Is that really how you got in?" I held back my laughter, nodding.

"And I can't believe I was able to pin you down from the position you had me, you idiot," I reminded him, still in disbelief.

"Whatever," he scoffed, but I could tell he was refraining from smiling.

"Maybe I should stay for a while. I still don't know what I want," I smiled, putting my feet up.

"Good idea," he said, and I turned to look at him. "I mean, since the cops are still around and all." I raised an eyebrow, but when I saw the red in his cheeks and remembered his fingers in between mine, I let the sarcasm drain a little.

"Thank you," I let out softly, knowing it was for more than just the extended stay. He let a small smile come out, and I did the same.

The robber and the idiot. An odd mix.



thanks to me for having ideas like this to write at 2 in the morning when i planned to wake up at three lol


Melody xx

p.s. would you go take a look at my new book, Kay? a doll made the amazing cover and it's about one of the sweetest people i've ever met, and niall is in it. i'd love for a few more people to see it <3

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