Too Far Away (Request)

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My mind had been racing all night long, and even with a few hours of sleep, I felt drained a little lost inside myself.

But as I stared up at the ceiling as I laid in bed next to him, I realized I didn't want to be the typical housewife for the rest of my life. I wanted to do something. I wanted to be more than what was expected of me.

And even though I couldn't go back to sleep after that, I felt relieved and less restless from then on.

I got up that next morning with Niall, smiling when he blinked tiredly at me.

"Not tired?" he wondered, and I shook my head, taking his hand and only smiling wider.

"I'm feeling great. Want some breakfast?" I wondered, and his eyes only got bigger.

"Love some," he nodded, letting go of my hand to probably go fall asleep on the couch again.

Throughout the rest of the day, I made up a plan of what to tell him and what I wanted to start to do to begin the rest of my life.

I came home from shopping, putting the last of the groceries away and going to join him on the couch.

"How was your day off?" I wondered, and he smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Relaxing," he answered, and I chuckled.

"Good," I nodded, feeling the rest of the words stick in the back of my throat. I glanced over at the television, pursing my lips together quietly. I stayed sitting at the edge of the couch cushion, ready to take flight but not wanting to chicken out. I guess I was afraid of what he would think, and I guess I should have been.

I began to fuss a little in my head, knowing I could easily tell him another time but giving in when I internally called myself a chicken.

"Hey," I let out, seeing his eyebrows raise out the corner of my eye.

"Hm?" he called, and I licked my lips quickly, preparing for a long train of words.

"I was just thinking, like it's not for sure, but I was thinking of maybe getting a degree of some sort, "I shrugged, taking a long breath in as I turned to look at his expression. He stayed emotionless as he paused the telly, looking at me as well.

"Where, do you think?" he asked, and I held back a smile. That meant he was supportive of it, right?

"I haven't found a good college yet, I've not started looking, but hopefully somewhere nice?" I suggested, and he flinched.

"Is it not nice here?" he asked, and I chuckled.

"The permanent forecast is rain, but yeah, sure," I joked, and he chuckled.

"I just think it's a little daft to want to go somewhere when you could stay closer to home," he scoffed a little, becoming defensive very fast. I blinked, holding my lips together as I thought quickly.

"I could always stay around. There are some good places here, too," I told him, much softer. He leaned back against the couch, seeming to shut me out with only his eyes, nodding vaguely. I blinked into myself, standing up quickly to go and make dinner. I needed to distract myself with something.

But as the days went by, the idea became more and more exciting to me and less and less familiar to Niall. I didn't talk to him about again until I'd decided exactly what I wanted to go in for.

"Child psychology sounds like a good major, right?" I spoke up, throwing it in randomly as he was about to get on the treadmill next to mine as it was speeding up. The gym was mostly empty, and I was glad.

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