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CW/TW: Mentions of sexual assult. If you remember what happened you know why. (Not excessive)

The day went by as normal

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The day went by as normal. You attended school, not ditching this time. Your teachers seemed to be extra cautious of you whenever you asked to leave the classroom. Probably hearing about your disappearance yesterday. It wasn't just you, it seemed to be everybody who left yesterday. All the teachers kept an extra eye on you throughout the day.

When lunch came back around you sat with Mitsuya, Angry, and Hakkai. The people you sat with changed depending on the day. Sometimes not everyone came to lunch and went elsewhere. Or Mitsuya would forget about lunch and stay in one of the classrooms sewing something.

It was nearing the end of lunch and everything was quiet. Quiet for a lunchroom that is.

"Are your teachers also watching you like hawks today?" You asked the group. "I know we made a scene yesterday but it's weird."

Mitsuya poked at his food. "I guess that's what happens when you engage in a fight and then take off for the day." he stared down at his tray. "What the hell even is this?"

Hakkai turned his head around quickly, "I think it's rice and some type of meat. Our school likes to be cheap with things."

Mitsuya grumbled something in return. Before reluctantly eating the rice. After swallowing he continued talking, "Has anyone heard from Mikey or Draken today? I thought they usually show up around this time."

Everyone else shook their heads. "Maybe he's still sleeping." you said. "He's a pretty heavy sleeper at times."

"Maybe." he continued eating in small bites.

Souya was staying quiet. He was scanning the cafeteria not necessarily looking for anything or anyone. Just observing. Truthfully, he was one of the people who preferred not to come to lunch and sit somewhere more quiet. It was a surprise to see the boy anywhere during lunch. If you could even find him.

"Are you alright Souya?" you noticed his silence. It wasn't unusual but you still wanted to ask. He turned his head back to the group and nodded.

"I'm fine." It was a quick response. Also not unnatural. You figured he just liked to silence himself at times. He's a fantastic listener though. The only times he'll ever ask you 'what?' is so he has some extra time to process a response to the previous question. What he lacks in socializing, he makes up for his hearing.

Before you questioned anything further, the bell rang and people began shuffling around towards the exit. Still no signs of Mikey or Draken came up. Maybe they decided to do something other than eat school cafeteria food.

"We'll catch you guys later." Mitsuya was walking off to the stairs with Hakkai. Both you and Souya waved back at them and headed off. You two had separate classes but they were across the hall from each other so you walked together.

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