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"And we have $20,000 going once...going twice...sold to Mr. Carter." The speaker said through the very loud microphone. Who the hell has us sitting this close to the stage?

The auction has only been going on for about an hour now. Derrick won Shannon a gold necklace earlier in the auction. Aria begged him to bid on this two piece bracelet set and he actually won. "One for each of us." she said to me with a wide grin.

Next they brought out a painting that had a lot of gold on it. According to the speaker, the painting is by some famous dude I couldn't care to remember the name of, Mariano something.

It's literally just an abstract painting which I guess will look good in someone's living room. Apparently it's made with real gold.

"Let's start the bid at $50,000." That's a salary right there.

Immediately people started bidding shouting out random numbers. They must be eager to spend some money. Must be nice.

This was starting to get boring, it eventually got to 3 people one upping each other so now the bid is at 80k. All I can think about is my bed at home calling my name, and by the look on Aria's face, she's thinking the same thing.

As if someone read my mind a voice called out shutting everyone up. "100,000." He said calmly, I can tell he had an accent but I don't know where from and I'm not about to guess.

I look towards where the voice is coming from and see a man at another table towards the front of the stage. This dude is model material, I can't really see his face but his side profile is hot. He has a beard and long hair that he has tied up from what I can see. An older couple who resembles him is seated next to him.

"We have $100,000 going once...going twice...sold to Mr. Artino." The announcer said. Huh, so that's his name, well, last name that is.

And it looks like that's the last thing sold and I'm grateful because I'm ready to go home. Apparently whatever is won in today's auction gets shipped to everyone so I guess we'll be seeing those bracelets in a couple weeks.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back." I told Aria. She furrowed her eyebrows, "I'll go with you." Fine by me.

We grabbed our things and made our way out of the banquet hall talking to each other about what we should do tomorrow. Not paying attention, I bump into someone and thankfully they didn't have a drink in their hand because it would've for sure been all over my outfit. They caught me before I fell backwards. Curse these damn heels, I would not have lost my balance from a little bump if I was wearing any other shoe.

As if things couldn't get more cliche, it's mister big money. I look up at him to apologize and as I'm doing that I get a good look at his face and damn is he fine. His side profile wasn't lying. Now that I'm up close I can see he has a lot of tattoos hidden behind that suit creeping up his neck and hands.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?" I ask him. He smirks as if I told a joke. What the hell is so funny?

"I'm fine it's me who should be asking you that since you almost fell backwards, could've been a nasty fall in those shoes." He says and I still can't get over this man's voice.

Aria is just standing there looking back and forth between us with curious eyes. I want to laugh because she reminds me of that standing emoji.

"Yeah you're right, and I'm fine, uh sorry again for bumping into you." I say and grab Aria's wrist so we can head to the bathroom.

We make it inside and she pops my forehead. "Ow what the hell was that for." I winced.

"For not getting his number dumbass, did you see the way he was looking at you?" She told me whispering. I raise an eyebrow at her. " I have no clue what you're talking about." I told her while walking into a stall.

"Girl he's clearly interested in you, that man is usually quiet at events like these unless he's talking about business or some shit." She told me.

Hold up.

"You know him?" I ask. "No but I've seen him around plenty of times." she responded.

I flush the toilet and leave the stall to wash my hands at the sink. "Well let's not talk about him anymore, I doubt I'd ever see him again." I told while drying my hands, then we walk out of the bathroom.

"You never know, maybe the universe will bring you together again." She said smiling. This girl is nuts. I don't even know the man's name.

"You say that as if it was love at first sight or some shit, I literally had a 5 second conversation with him." I said laughing at her wild claim. She shook her head. "Yeah yeah, let's go home." She said. Now that's something I can agree with.

We left, but not before saying goodbye to her parents first or we would never hear the end of it.

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