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I've been in my office most of the day and I'm considering leaving early since I don't have anymore meetings. It's only 3:00 pm.

It's been 2 weeks since the auction my parents forced me to go to. I can't stop thinking about the woman who bumped into me. She was gorgeous and I can't get her off my mind. What is so special about her?

As I was thinking, my personal phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered my mother's call.
"Hello my son who never calls." Her and this sarcasm. I roll my eyes.
"I talked to you two days ago." I told her.
"Exactly, 2 days ago which is easily a week in my time you know I'm getting older and..." I blocked out her voice and tilted my head back as she went on and on. She's 51 and acts like she's in her 90s.

"Kostas are you listening to me?!" She exclaimed taking me out of my daze.

"Sorry what were you saying?" I asked. There's no point in lying, my mother is the type to quiz you on what she said if she suspects you weren't paying attention.

"I need you to pick up your sister's cake, your patéras and I are busy setting up for her party tomorrow." She told me. (Father) I groaned.

My sister is turning 15 tomorrow and my parents are throwing a huge party to celebrate. Most of my close relatives from both sides will be arriving from Greece. I still don't know why she chose to have this party on a Tuesday seeing as most people have work, but my family isn't like most families. They're all rich and can afford to take days off and travel whenever they feel like it.

"Don't you both have workers who can do this?" I asked her. I'm ready to go home and who's to say wherever they ordered this cake from isn't an hour away?

"I'll send you the address to the bakery, love you, bye!" She ignored my question and hung up before I could say anything.
"Well damn, love you too." I mumbled and sighed when I received the text.

The bakery was called Lana's Bakery, I've heard of this place. Apparently their desserts are very good. They don't close any time soon and they're located about 30 minutes away from my company.
I put on my coat and grab my keys and briefcase.
After locking up my office I see my receptionist sitting at his desk.
I let him know I'm leaving for today, in which he nods in acknowledgment.


Arriving at the bakery, I park my truck and walk into the building. First thing I notice is how clean and organized everything seems to be. The atmosphere is also nice. I noticed a couple employees talking to customers.

I walk up to the register where I see a young woman with braids tied into a bun working behind it. She looks up and smiles when she see me.
"Hello what can I get for you today?" She asks.
"Hi, I'm here to pick up an order." I told her and she nodded and asked me for the order number.
I read the number off the text my mom sent me and she tells me to wait while she gets the cake.
I took this time to look at the desserts in the dessert case. There were cookies, pastries, cupcakes, and more. Everything looked very appetizing. I might have to buy something.

I heard a door open and see the cashier walk out with a familiar face. Never thought I'd see her again.
"We meet again." I say and couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face. She looked beautiful even in that apron covered in flour.
"You remember me?" She asked looking surprised.
"Of course, how could I ever forget such a beautiful face?" I told her and it's true. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

She gave me a brisk smile. "Im flattered, $64.99 is your total." She said and caught me off guard. I don't know what I expected, but I'm feeling a little dismissed. She probably just wants to keep the line moving.

I took my card out of my wallet and tapped it against the machine until I heard the ping.
She asked me if I wanted the receipt with me or attached to the box.  "You can give it to me." I told her with a smile. While handing me the receipt I made sure our fingers brushed against each other. I glanced at her hands when I noticed her bracelet. I recognized it from the auction. I don't recall her bidding.
Someone must've bid for her. Hopefully not a boyfriend.

"Have a nice day." She told me kindly. I smiled and boldly asked her to have dinner with me. The cashier next to her eyes widened.
"Have a nice day." She repeated making me laugh under my breath. Maybe asking her to dinner while she was at work wasn't the best idea.
Maybe I should come back tomorrow? Yes, that's what I'll do. But wait! My sister's party is tomorrow. I'll come back Friday instead hopefully she's working.
I was going to buy some desserts for my home but decided against it. Instead I'll come back Friday.
"I'll see you around glykiá mou." I told her and left. (My sweet)

After dropping my sister's cake off, I walk into my home and drop my keys on the table I keep near the door

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After dropping my sister's cake off, I walk into my home and drop my keys on the table I keep near the door.
I make my way to my bedroom and strip out of my suit, getting ready for my shower. It's now 7 and completely dark outside which makes sense with it being autumn now. I now regret not getting takeout on the way in because I'm feeling pretty lazy and hungry now. Guess I'll just cook.

After my shower, I put on some comfortable pajamas and made my way to the kitchen to get started on dinner. I looked through my fridge and saw that I had all of the ingredients to make Papoutsakia, a meal my mother often made when I was growing up. It's essentially a stuffed eggplant. I'm blessed to be able to replicate most of her recipes. She always made sure my siblings and I knew how to cook seeing as it's a basic life skill.
A couple of hours later and the food is done.

I ate my food in silence with nothing but the sounds of the television playing in the background.

I took this time to think about my life as it is now. Some may call it a lonely life seeing as I eat alone and there is no one else living with me in this large house. I used to enjoy it, I felt so much freedom living alone with all of this space and I still felt that way up until a couple weeks ago. Now I start to think about how it would feel to come home knowing someone else lives here with me, eating dinner together and watching movies together. I think of how it would feel to never sleep along again, to have someone love you in a romantic way. Going on dates and getting to know someone suddenly feels like a dream. These thoughts are so surreal to me.

What changed?

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