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It's the early afternoon and I've been out since 6:30. I'm exhausted, but I still have to find something for Kostas. It's Black Friday and the stores are packed. I've been buying a lot of shit I don't need, like multiple pajama sets that I couldn't pass up because they were 60% off.

Aria and I were with our families yesterday. I finally got to see my brother who I haven't seen in a couple months. He's a travel nurse and he's always taking assignments. He'll be home for a while and I hope he gets to meet Kostas soon, along with the rest of my family.

We're currently at the mall, just walking around to see what I could find that Kostas might like. It's hard shopping for a man who has everything. Aria comes from a wealthy family, but somehow it's so easy to shop for her.

"I think my problem is that I don't want to disappoint him with my gifts. I can get him normal things, but he's a very flashy person and I just don't think I have the budget for the type of gifts he would normally get." I vented to Aria.

"Well, how do you know he wouldn't like normal gifts? I'm sure he's not expecting you to get him a private jet for Christmas, he's most likely just happy to be spending time with his girlfriend." She told me.

"I guess that could be true. I just really don't want to disappoint." I admit. She shook her head.

"Violet, the man is stinking rich, he couldn't care less how big or extravagant his gifts are, he could buy it all if he wanted to. The fact that any gift you give him is coming from you is enough for him. Trust me. Stop being so hard on yourself." She reassured me. This is why she's my best friend.

"I needed to hear that thanks." I smiled.
We continued shopping, I found some cute Rudolph onesies and got one in my size and Kostas's size. We won't see each other in the morning, but Christmas evening I'll be spending the night and we'll open our gifts together. I'm excited for that.

I'll find some more inspiration once I go to Kostas's house tomorrow. Maybe there's something he needs or something I can contribute to.


"Ready?" Kostas asks me as I step outside my apartment.
"Yeah, I wanna see this jacuzzi you hyped up." He laughed. "Is that all you're excited about, what about me?" He asked feigning hurt.

"Yeah I guess you're okay too." I joked and he pinched my side making me yelp.

"Well, today's going to be a fun day, we're going bowling." He said. I haven't been bowling since I was a young teenager. I still remember walking too far up the lane and falling because I didn't realize that part of the floor was so slippery. It was embarrassing and I never went bowling again. I was a dramatic teen.

"I haven't been in years, go easy on me." I told him. "We'll see." He said laughing.

As we walk inside the bowling alley, I hear the sounds of the bowling balls rolling down the lanes and the pins crashing down.
We went to the front counter to get the ugly bowling shoes we have to wear, we also grabbed our balls. I saw a pink and white ball that looked cool and grabbed it.

We walked towards our lane and I noticed it was roped off, separated from the rest. Did he request that?
We sat down on the chairs and got situated.
"When was the last time you went bowling?" I asked as I laced up my shoes.

"A few months ago, I come here often with my sister. Bowling is one of her favorite things to do." He said and got up to enter our names so they show on the monitor.

"You're up first baby." He smirked. I groaned internally and got up. I'm ashamed to say I thought of asking the worker to put the bumpers up. I used to be good at bowling, but it's been so long.

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