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It was Friday and I can finally rest once I'm off. I work full time, but it's not always the same time or everyday. Today I opened up the bakery at 8:00 am, which means my shift started at 5:00 am.

I spent those three hours— along with my coworkers who also opened with me— preparing all of the baked goods we're going to sell today. A lot of things were already prepped to where they just needed to be baked.

Bagels, pastries, and cookies are typically sold in the early morning and by 10:00 am, the cupcakes and other desserts are finally on display. I always hated opening shifts because of how early I had to wake up. Opening shifts aren't the absolute worse though because it's slower in the morning and you get off earlier.

My shift ends at 1 and I cannot wait so I can go home and take a good nap. The kind of nap that makes you think you woke up the next day when it's only the evening. Sadly it's only 11:30 so I'm not off yet. Fridays and Saturdays are typically the busiest days of the week. We're closed on Sundays and use that day to prep for the week.
There aren't any cake orders for me to do today, so I'm just at the register ringing people up. The red velvet cupcakes seem to be a huge hit today.

"I would like to speak to your manager!" A lady exclaimed. I turn to look the person yelling and see Chloe behind the register and a lady red in the face scowling at her. I walk over and Chloe quickly moves to the side probably happy I'm over here now to take the heat off of her. She's still pretty new so this is the first time she's had to deal with a customer like this here.

"Hello, what seems to be the problem?" I asked the woman who's holding a white paper bag in her hand with the company logo on it.
"I ordered 4 chocolate chip cookies and she only gave me 3." The lady snapped. Seriously? That's what you're spazzing out about?

"I apologize for the inconvenience, if you want, we could just ring you up for the fourth one?" I asked her. Something tells me she's just trying to get a free cookie.

"Well I don't see why you would have to ring me up for another when it was her fault I didn't get my fourth cookie." The lady tooted her nose up. Yeah, called it.

"Sorry, but your receipt says you only paid for 3 cookies. We can still ring you up for one more if you want." I told her with a smile. She frowned.
"I'm sorry, are you the manager? If not, I would like to speak to him." She said.
How is she so sure our boss is a man? I mean he is, but still.

"I'm actually the manager ma'am." I told her. Technically I'm the assistant manager, but there is really no point in getting Mr.Jones to handle this when this is not a major problem. He's currently in the back working on a wedding cake.

Since her order is not actually messed up, she does not get anything for free. She paid for 3 cookies and received 3 cookies. Maybe if she was genuine and not rude about it, she could've gotten her cookie on the house for the inconvenience, but people need to learn that the customer is not always right.

"What's the corporate number?" She asked.
Geez give it up lady.
"We do not have a corporate headquarters, so I do not have a number to give you." I told her looking right into her eyes.
She rolled her eyes. "Fine just ring me up for another." She said grabbing her card. See, was that so hard?

After she left I turned to Chloe who looked irritated. "She did not order 4 cookies she literally said 3!" She exclaimed throwing her arms up.

"I figured, don't pay her any mind, customers like that come around every now and then, they're just entitled brats." I told her. She nodded and turned to look at who just entered to the bakery.

I turned and my brows raised a little. I wasn't expecting to see him here today. He's looking very fine in an all black suit that was probably tailored to fit every inch of him perfectly with shiny black loafers to match. His hair was pulled back into a bun and his hand and neck tattoos were on display. His jewelry looked like it could pay off my student loans if I pawned it.

I've been thinking about him a lot these last few days and of course he shows up today. I don't know what it is about him, but I haven't been able to get him off my mind for a while now. It could be his looks, or the fact that he's stinking rich, because let's be honest, it's not everyday a good looking man who's probably a millionaire asks you to dinner.

I'm still surprised that he even asked me that question. What does he even see in me?

"Hello, welcome to Lana's Bakery, what can I get for you today?" I asked him when he reaches the register.
"Give me a second moró." He says with a small smile on his face. That damn accent. Almost makes me weak in the knees. (Baby)
He then goes on to browse the dessert case, taking his sweet time.

"Hm...I'll take 1 of each cookie and 2 red velvet cupcakes." He said finally look up at me. I raise a brow at him. We literally have about 12 different cookie flavors with the edition of our two seasonal cookies, pumpkin spice and peach cobbler.
"What can I say, I have a sweet tooth." He grinned showing off his perfect teeth. I wonder if he got lucky or if he had to get braces.

"Nothing wrong with that...your total is 49.50, cash or card?" I asked trying to ignore the holes his eyes were burning into my head. He holds out his black card and pays.

I begin to bag up his order which takes a second because he ordered a lot.
"Here you go, have a great day." I told him. Why am I getting deja vu?

"Thank you I can't wait to try these...also, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked this time, which is a step up from the way he demanded last time. While I'm tempted to say yes, I don't think that's appropriate given the setting.

It's not that I didn't want to go on a date with him, it actually doesn't sound bad, but accepting a date from a customer while I'm on the clock could potentially get me in trouble.
Nevertheless, I ended up saying,

"I'll think about it."

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