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"I've been thinking..." I trailed off getting Kostas's attention. We're in his office eating lunch as we usually do.

"I've been thinking about looking into renting a building out to start my bakery. I think I'm ready to move onto the next step. I want to actually do it now instead of just saying I am. It's been a dream of mine since I was in grade school." I ranted. He smiled.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. We'll start looking for buildings today." He said and took a bite of his food.

"Actually, I already found a building last month, I'm not sure if it's still for sale though." I told him. I really hope it's for sale though, it's listed for a cheap price and I could always get a loan to help pay the difference.

"Do you remember where? We can look it up now." He said typing on his computer.

"Um I think somewhere downtown." I said. It's the reason why the price shocks me so much because you would think everything would be more expensive here. I did take a good look at the inside from the pictures they posted and it's definitely a fixer upper.

The checks from my job would have to go towards the repairs, not to mention the current bills I already have.
I'm suddenly remembering why I put this to the side. It's stressful to think about.

"Which one of these?" He asked and turned the monitor so I could see. As he was scrolling I saw the listing I was looking for.

"That one." I said pointing at the picture.
"This one?" He asked in disbelief. "Yeah what's wrong?"

"We scrolled past multiple that were in better conditions. Are you sure you want this one?" He asked me.

"I mean it's cheap enough to where I wouldn't have to take out a huge loan and I can use my checks from the bakery to restore the building." I said. I felt like that was the smart thing to do considering my budget.

"How about this. We look for buildings that are in better condition and I'll help you get it and we can find someone to do the renovations. Actually, isn't your dad an architect? He can help design your bakery and I can hire someone to bring it to life." He suggested.

"Yeah I planned on getting my dad to help with the design, but I don't know about you paying for all of that. I feel weird having my very rich boyfriend pretty much jumpstart my business. People were already picking me apart just for being with you, now they'll really see me as a gold digger." I voiced my concern. The rumors could be bad for business.

"Well just look at it as an investment. It's always good to have people invest in your business right?"

"I guess so."

We continued looking until we found a building downtown that was in pretty good condition. It would only need remodeling, but it doesn't look worn down. I'm not too fond of the price though.

"We can request a tour, want to do that?" He asked. I nodded.
I knew he would go all in as soon as I told him I was ready to begin.

"Alright...done, you're scheduled for next week Monday, 10 am." He said.
Wow...this is really happening huh?
I honestly thought this day would come a lot later in my life, but here I am.

"Ready to go?" Kostas asked while standing up.

He took me home first and once I made it inside and removed my shoes, I noticed Aria was in the living room watching tv.

"Hey." I said setting my purse down.
"How was lunch with the hubby?" She asked. She's been calling him that ever since I stayed over his house during the trial. She would always tease me because we were 'playing house'.
"Shut up." I chuckled. "And to answer your question the lunch was pretty much the same, however....I have good news." I sat down next to her on the couch.
"What?" She questioned.

"I decided I'm ready to jumpstart my bakery and Kostas helped me find a building. I'll be getting a tour next week." I told her excitedly.

"Really?! Shit that's fantastic news because now when I'm craving your desserts I can just go there." She said with a dreamy sigh. I laughed. Of course that's the first thing she thinks of.

"You are something else. Everything probably won't be finalized for another year or two." I said. Things like this take time, but because the building is run down it won't take as long to remodel. That is, if I get it.

"Yeah yeah, but for real though, I'm happy for you...we should celebrate with another spa day, we both need another pedicure anyway." She said.

She's right and that doesn't sound too bad.

"Alright, when should we go?"


Sad to say this book will be ending soon :(
I'm still figuring out how many chapters I want this book to be, but I will be posting an epilogue at the end.

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