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So far so good.

I can tell Kostas is ready to go home and honestly so am I.
I'm so nervous right now. I still have to give my statement and I'm dreading it. The fear of fucking this up still lingers with me.

I'm sitting behind Kostas on one of the benches while he's seated ahead of me with Elena.
Andrea just left the stand after telling a million lies and now it's up to us to prove her wrong. She honestly should've considered acting instead of modeling with the way she's able to put on a dramatic ass performance.

"I'd like to call Violet Miller to the stand." Elena said.
Oh shit.
Now my heart is beating out of my chest, let's hope my voice doesn't shake or crack.

I got out of my seat and walked towards the witness stand, the sound of my heels clicking against the floor was only amplified in the quiet room. Why do I feel so embarrassed right now?

At least my outfit looks good. I literally don't own much business attire so this white blazer dress was the best I could do. I was scared it would be inappropriate, but Kostas said that looked good and my outfit was fine.

Sitting down at the stand only made my heart beat more. Everyone is staring at me. Also, since when were the lights so bright in here?! 

I looked towards Andrea who had on a mahogany pantsuit. She looked good, if only her personality was as nice as her fashion sense. Actually, never mind that, I'm sure she has a stylist. I refuse to believe she pulled off that outfit on her own.
She looked at me and gave me a snarl with her lips. Ok then...

I made eye contact with Kostas and he smiled at me and mouthed 'you'll be fine'. He could always sense when I was having a battle within myself.

"Would you please restate your name." She asks.
"Violet Miller." I said.

"Please raise your right hand and respond to me...Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give in this arbitration is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" She asks.

"Yes." I said and put my hand down.

We pretty much went over all of this, now all that's left to do is answer her questions honestly.
They also prepared me for some of the questions Andrea's lawyer might ask me.

"Please state your relation to the  defendant."

"I am his girlfriend." I respond.

"And how long have you been his girlfriend?"

"7 months."

This went on until we got to the questions in relation to the case.

"Have you ever had an encounter with Andrea Ballis?"

"Yes, multiple times."

"Can you explain what happened at your most recent encounter?"

I explained, in detail, what happened that day she showed up to the bakery as I was leaving.

"Objection! Relevance!" Andrea's lawyer said, interrupting me as I was reciting the threat Andrea gave me when I didn't agree to leave Kostas alone.

Andrea looked nervous when I was giving my statement and tried to hide it, but I could see right through the facade.

"Your honor we have the evidence to prove the relevance of this encounter which is important to this case." Elena said. I look towards Kostas with a frown and he shrugged.

Well this didn't go as planned.

The judge pondered for a bit. "Let's see this evidence." She said.

"This video was recorded by Violet Miller as she was leaving her job. Andrea Ballis approached her with ill intent." Elena said and pressed play.

The video started with Andrea telling me how much she hated Kostas. They cut the video down since the beginning and end was just me walking.

Andrea then began to tell me how Kostas ruined her life and how she would get him back for what he did to her the last 3 years.

The best part? Andrea admitted that the arrest was the reason behind her career ending. This proves that Kostas was not the reason she was blacklisted. Honestly, she didn't have any proof to began with that would prove he was behind anything. Her testimony was literally just her talking about her "ruined" life.

I looked over to Kostas who had a mini smirk on his face and then over to Andrea who looked like she's seen a ghost. I could tell her lawyer was trying to stay calm, but he knew the inevitable.

They were gonna lose.


After we provided the evidence the judge announced recess. I'm guessing this was to give the jury time to decide the verdict. I'm not sure how long that will take. It could be minutes, hours, days, or even weeks!

It's only been an hour and the suspense is killing me.
"That video you recorded may be just what we needed in order to not drag this case out. It's only been how long? 3 weeks? Better than 3 months right?" Kostas said patting my knee.
We decided to get lunch and eat at his office after the trial and now I'm just stress eating. I feel like I'm more worried about the verdict than he is!

"We don't know how long the jury will take to decide. Also why are you so calm about all of this? Is the suspense not killing you?!" I asked.

"I'm confident." He said shrugging.
Of course he's confident. He has the best lawyer money could buy.

I'm also worried about paparazzi. I'm glad I had sunglasses on because the flash from those lights would for sure give me a headache. They were flooded outside of the courthouse and followed us all the way to the car. Luckily his security paved the way for us.

"You know what I think?" He asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"I think you're still panicking from the stage fright you experienced on the stand." He said smiling.

"What?! I don't have stage fright." I said and made a 'psh' sound with my mouth.

"Oh you most certainly do. I saw you fighting with yourself up there. It was honestly cute." He said laughing.

My mouth widened. "I can't believe you would accuse me of such a thing." I said and folded my arms while looking away from him.
He poked my sides making me laugh. Unfortunately, I can't control how ticklish I am.

"There's that beautiful smile." He said with a big goofy grin. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Is that what you were trying to accomplish?" I asked.

"Yup, I know you're stressed about this case and I know it's because you feel like if this doesn't end with us winning, you're to blame, but you're not. If anything it would be Elena's fault. She told you what to do and say after all. With all of this in mind, I am confident that we will win this trial and you should be too. Stop stressing please...and give me a kiss." He said making me laugh. How can he go from being all motivational to this?

He pulled me onto his lap where we shared a passionate kiss. A much needed one after the day we've had.

Here's to hoping things only get better from here.

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