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"She what?" I asked Violet.
"I know right!?" She exclaimed. She was giving me a rundown of what happened at her job today. 

It's unusual for Andrea to order from bakeries. Her family has hired Pastry chefs for all of their events that require desserts. So why did she just so happen to show up to Violet's job?

"And that bitch had the nerve to call me Scarlett? Really of all names? Like, if you don't know my name that's okay, but don't play the guessing game just ask." She said in a rant.

"Don't let her get to you, how did that one cake order go? I know you said it was very time consuming." She had been talking about a large cake order she was working on the last few days.

"Yeah that's the one she picked up. It turned out great and it was a pleasure watching her walk out with the cake, struggling to carry it." She laughed. I smiled and shook my head at her.

"Most people with orders that big choose to have it delivered, but not her, she chose to carry the 15 pound cake in heels." She continued.

"Sounds like she wanted a reason to go into the store." I said. She hummed. "Maybe, but on another note, come over when you get off, I have to talk to you." She said. Uh oh. That's the forbidden phrase in relationships.

"I'll be there."


I knocked on the door and waited for Violet to open it. At first I was nervous about this talk, but then I realized there was nothing to be worried about, given her tone.

She opened the door with a beautiful smile on her face. "Come in." She told me. As I walked in, I was hit with the delicious smell of cinnamon rolls. "I just iced these about 15 minutes ago so they're good to go, want some?" I nodded.
We walked to the kitchen where I saw a tray of cinnamon rolls on the table. I washed my hands as she put one on two plates.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked as we sat down at the table. I took a bite out of the cinnamon roll and it was delicious, and very fluffy too. Better than the ones at the mall.

"I wanted to know what you were doing for your birthday. I know you said your mom is most likely throwing some extravagant party, but I still wanted to bake you a cake, for here." She said. I was stressing over nothing. Its also really sweet that she wants to bake me a cake for my birthday, I know she's an excellent baker.

"I would love it if you made my cake. As far as my party goes, I'm not sure what my mother has up her sleeve." I told her.

"Great, what do you want it to look like?" She asked me. I shrugged, I don't really care too much about my birthday to think of something. That's why my mother always hosts my parties.
"Whatever you like prinkípissa." I told her. (Princess)

"Ok well at least give me a theme." She said and I thought about it for a second. "Hm maybe black and gold." She nodded. "Perfect."

My birthday was in a couple months and if my mother does throw me a party, which she will, I want Violet to come with me. Of course this would mean she would be meeting my family. We've been dating a month now and by the time my birthday comes, we'll be moving onto three, so I think that's a good time to introduce her.

We finished up our dessert and relaxed in the living room for the rest of the evening before I went back home, not before I took some cinnamon rolls to go.


I woke up and checked my phone on the nightstand. I groaned seeing the notification about the harvest festival that was scheduled for today. I forgot about that.

I meant to ask Violet if she wanted to go with me, but I got caught up with work. This harvest festival is hosted every year outside. The money from admissions goes to charity and I typically donate.

The event is hosted by Sebastian every year, which makes me consider not going this year. I have nothing against him, but if he's dating Andrea, then it's a good chance she'll be there. Come to think of it, I think I know why she ordered that cake. I don't know why they would get a cake for this event, usually there's just apple cider, donuts, and other little snacks, so it's strange they would order this large cake.

I sigh and get out of the bed. I'm at this event every year, so me not going would make people talk. I don't need rumors spreading.

After getting ready for the day and eating breakfast, I call Violet. Although it's last minute, it's worth a shot to ask her if she wants to go.
"Hello?" I heard her beautiful voice. It hasn't even been a day and I missed hearing it. I probably sound clingy, but I don't care.

"Good morning moró." I said and she replied back to me. (Baby)
"Are you busy?" I asked her hoping she said no and she did. "Well I wanted to ask you something I meant to ask last week, there's a harvest festival going on this afternoon and I wanted you to come with me." I told her.

"That's a little last minute." She said and I kind of figured she'd say something like that. I don't blame her.

"I know moró, I'm really sorry I didn't ask you last week, time got away from me. You won't have to dress up or anything, it's outside in a park, so it's supposed to be casual." I told her.
"Hm...okay what time is it exactly?" She asked after taking a second to think about it. I couldn't be happier. I told her it was at 1 pm. That gives her 3 hours to get ready, I hope that's enough time. (Baby)

Before we hung up, I let her know I'd be around to pick her up before the event started.

I'm glad she's going, I usually go for maybe 15 minutes just to show my face and leave. This seems like something Violet would enjoy considering Autumn was her favorite season.

If Andrea is there, I'm not going to let her ruin this day for us, but I doubt she would be there, she's not one for charity work. She's what you would call a classist. Another reason I hated being associated with her. The hookups were definitely not worth it, but I'm onto a new chapter in my life. Being with Violet is like a breath of fresh air after years of pollution.

Since I have a few hours to spare, I decided to do a workout before getting ready.
Being in this gym made me smile. I remember the last time I was in here with Violet and how worried she was when she found out I lift. I had to reassure her that I don't lift unattended.

I don't necessarily exercise to look a certain way, I exercise to stay active and found myself enjoying it at some point. Although I did gain a lot of muscle along the way, I'm not looking to become a body builder.

After my workout, I decided to get ready. I walked into my closet after getting out of the shower and looked for an outfit to wear today. Something simple, a grey shirt and black jeans, since I don't have to dress up.

I decided to leave my hair down, Violet loves my hair like this. I usually keep it trimmed and pulled back.
Once I was done, I made my way to the front door and grabbed my jacket off the mounted coat rack.

Unlocking my car, I got in and drove off. I get this familiar feeling of excitement in my chest as I'm driving towards her place.

This chapter was supposed to be published yesterday, but changes had to be made.

How are we feeling about the male lead?

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