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2 weeks later

It's been a couple weeks since the last time I was at Kostas's house. We've been talking everyday and going on dates here and there. Overall, we've been content.
Kostas was also true to his word and took my car to get fixed. They finished within 72 hours and it came back good as new. He also paid which was a plus for me.

Thanksgiving and Black Friday were coming up, which means I get time off since the bakery will be closed. Well, only for the holiday, they'll still be open on that Friday, but I won't be working.

Aria and I will be meeting up to shop early that morning. I need to get the last of my family's presents and Aria's, as well as Christmas and birthday presents for Kostas. My bank account is going to be coughing.

I meant what I said about making him a birthday cake, but if his mom is throwing some extravagant party, then what's the point? I was going make him see if she would let me bake his cake, but she probably already hired someone to do it and we literally haven't met yet. I'm not sure if now is the right time to meet each other's parents.

Giving it more thought, I think I'm going to still make him a cake and not only because I want to take advantage of that state of that luxurious kitchen, but also because I want to give him something that I made for his birthday.

"We're out of pumpkin spice cookies and a customer wants to know if there will be more coming out." Leon, one of the employees, said.
I shook my head. "Nope we don't do restocks after 6 so tell them that's all we had left." I told him. He nodded and left.

Our desserts become first come first serve after 6. This allows there to be as little food waste as possible. Most of the employees who close end up taking the leftovers home so we don't throw out any food. Each batch we make lasts anywhere from 2 hours to most of the day, but our most popular items are constantly getting restocked during the day, especially on weekends.

Most people tend to try to get here as early as possible anyway so they can get their treats before they're sold out. It's a good system that I may have to adopt if I ever open up my own bakery.
Unfortunately, homeless shelters in this area are only accepting pre packaged foods with a shelf life, for good reason.

Right now I'm finishing up a fall themed cake. This customer wanted the cake to be the epitome of fall and, of course, the flavor they chose is pumpkin spice. I have to admit, I did an outstanding job decorating this cake. While some employees were baking the cakes that would be used, I was prepping the decorations along with another employee.

This person wanted the cake to resemble a wooden barrel that was overflowing with leaves and pumpkins. One may think the foundation of the cake is what took me the longest, but it was actually shaping and airbrushing the leaves and pumpkins. It would've taken longer if I didn't have help. They should be picking the cake up any minute now.

"Uh can someone show me how to process cake orders? I forgot

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"Uh can someone show me how to process cake orders? I forgot." Marcus said sheepishly. He's been here a while but he doesn't normally work registers.
"Everyone else occupied?" I asked and he nodded. Why am I getting deja vu?

Marcus grabs the cake, with the help of another employee, after I finished packing it up and I follow them out to the front and see a familiar blonde on the other side of the counter.
She was just looking around the shop, with obvious disdain on her face.

"Here you go ma'am." Marcus said.
Before I could start processing the pickup, she spoke to me. "I recognize you. Scarlett right?" She said with a smile I want to slap off. Is she fucking with me or did she genuinely forget my name? Actually, I never told her my name so why is she trying to guess?

"I'm sorry I don't think we've met." I said with a confused look. Her smile dropped.
"The Halloween party remember? I won first place at the contest." She said with a smile on her face. Liar.
I would decide to fuck with her more, but I need to keep the line moving.

"Hm, doesn't ring a bell, cash or card?" I said as I finished processing the order. I'm not even going to entertain her. "Card." She said and paid the rest of the balance. Her brows were furrowed the whole time, probably from frustration.

Customers have to put down a down payment on these cakes and pay the rest when they pick it up. We also have cakes in the display case that they can buy and we could write anything they want on them within reason.

"You're all set." I told her. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but Marcus had already shouted that he could take the next customer.

She left struggling to carry the 15 pound cake out of the door. I don't know why she chose pick up when we also deliver. Customers usually pick up the smaller cakes, but tiered cakes like that one are usually delivered, at an extra fee of course. 

If she drops that cake we aren't liable because she chose to pick it up. I saw her make her way to a silver SUV parked out front where a man helped her put the cake in the trunk. Is that the Poseidon guy? I don't even think I got his name.

Eventually it's time to clock out and I couldn't wait to spill the tea to Kostas. Aria doesn't know about Andrea, but something tells me she's going to find out sooner rather than later.


Thank you for 1k reads! It's been 4 days since this book was posted and I feel like we've gotten farther than I imagined so thank you, I really appreciate it!

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