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Christmas is this upcoming weekend and I spent last weekend wrapping gifts. Snow has started falling, which means the roads are slicker and it's colder out, it makes me appreciate how warm the kitchen is inside the bakery.

Kostas has a big Christmas tree that I helped decorate. Decorating with him was fun. His house is way bigger than my apartment, so there was more ground to cover.

I've also started to plan out how I wanted to decorate his cake. January is fast approaching and I wanted this cake to be perfect inside and out.

Right now, I'm cooking dinner at Kostas's home. I told myself a while back that I'd cook for him since he cooks for me so much. I don't think he's ever had soul food before.

I took it upon myself to bake cinnamon rolls. I remember how much he loved them when I made them last time. By the time I finish rolling and cutting this dough, most of the food should be done.

"It smells good in here." Kostas came into the kitchen with a towel on his neck. He must've just came up from the gym.

"Mhm everything should be done in another hour." I told him as I put the last roll on the pan. I covered them and set them to the side so they can proof again. It should only take about 30 minutes, then I can bake them. I have the frosting ready to go.

"I can't wait." He said kissing my temple. "I'm about to take a shower, I'll be back down soon." He went upstairs.

I checked on the food in the oven one more time and it was done. As I took the last pan out, I heard my phone ring. My family has been calling all day. I'm supposed to be meeting them tomorrow, it will be Christmas Eve and we're always together.

"Hello?" I answered. Silence.
I looked at the caller ID and saw it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I asked again. When no one responded, I hung up. I'll see if Kostas recognizes the number when he comes back down. For all I know that could've been Andrea.

30 minutes went by and the cinnamon rolls were ready to go in the oven. Kostas came downstairs as I was putting them in. "Ready to eat?" I asked him as I set the timer.
I fixed us a plate and sat down at the island.
I wasn't surprised when Kostas's favorite dish ended up being the candied yams, he does have a sweet tooth.

I heard the timer go off and got up to check. Looks done to me. I take them out of the oven and set them on the stove.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, do you recognize this number?" I asked Kostas as I looked for the number that called me.
I find it and show him. He looked it over then shook his head. "Okay, that was so weird. Whoever was on the other line refused to say anything, so I hung up" I told him.

I waited a few more minutes, before I went to ice the cinnamon rolls.
They came out perfect.

The rest of the evening went by with no issues. I was happy to hear that Kostas liked the food. We were in his home theater where I was forcing him to watch The Grinch. I grew to enjoy the cartoon over the last few years. I don't think he's seen the original, so I'm saving that for this weekend.

Waking up the next day, I turn off my alarm. Unfortunately I have to work, but the good thing is we close early so everyone will be off by 6. Today is the busiest day of the year and there are still some orders I have to fill that will be picked up this afternoon before I get off.

Kostas groaned and held me tighter when I was about to get up. It's 4:30 and he usually wakes up an hour from now. "Why do you torture yourself with these ridiculously early shifts?" He asked tiredly. I laughed. I agree, it is torture.
"Because I get off early." I said as I escaped his grasp.

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