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1 week later

"We, the jury, unanimously find the defendant to be... not guilty." The juror said. I sighed in relief from the bench I was sitting on.
"We also find the plaintiff to be guilty on the count of sander."

"What?!" Andrea shouted. I tried not to laugh. Did she really think she was coming out of this without a scratch? She literally lied and made false claims to try to bring his company's reputation down. Pretty sure that's illegal.

The next 3 minutes was spent watching her lawyer try to calm her down.
The trial continued with the judge telling Andrea how much she owed and whatnot, I honestly zoned out after the verdict.

"I hope things can go back to normal now." I said while taking a bite out of the red velvet waffle.

We stopped by a chicken and waffle restaurant on the way to his house and I'm mad I haven't discovered this place sooner.

"Everything may go back to normal gradually, but you have to remember, people know who you are now so you still have to be cautious. I still want Kurt driving you to and from work." Kostas said.

"Right." I forgot about that part. I'm sure now that the trial ended, people are still going to talk for a couple more weeks, but I hope it ends there.

"I don't want people looking further into me and finding out where I work. If they harass my job enough because of me, I could get fired." I told him concerned.

I know if I ever want to open my own bakery, I would have to leave my job eventually, but unfortunately that time is not now.

"Your job has a no soliciting and loitering sign so if they were to try to come to your job and harass you, they could be arrested." He said.

"Ok well that makes me feel a little better, I've heard they can be relentless." I told him. They often forget the people they're damn near stalking are human, not just there for their entertainment or story.

"Yes, but I won't let anything happen to you." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. I smiled. We went back to enjoying our meal.


"Ok thank you, see you then." I heard Kostas say as I was waking up. He must've been on the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked while sitting up.
"Representative for the gala. Good news is the trial didn't hinder the date so the ceremony will still be held on June 28th." He said.

"Oh that's good! That's like...6 weeks away." I said and he nodded.
I got up and walked into the bathroom.
After getting ready for the day I came out and didn't see Kostas anywhere. He must be downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and saw him, shirtless, mixing up batter, which I'm guessing is for pancakes.

"Why are you cooking with no shirt on? That's dangerous, you're bound to get a burn." I said in disbelief. I swear this man lives life on the edge.

"I'll be fine, I didn't feel like putting on a shirt and I wanted to get down here quick to start breakfast." He said. It takes 2 seconds to put on a shirt.

"Hm...okay. I don't want to have to call an ambulance because you gave yourself 3rd degree burns." I said pointing at him.

He shook his head. "I won't burn myself."

"Also, what time did you want me to drop you off? I know you said you needed to get back to your apartment today." He said as he poured some batter onto the pan.

"I think I'll leave after we eat." I said and he nodded.
"I've enjoyed you living with me these past weeks. Now I'm sad to see you go." He said looking back at me with a fake pout.

"What? You're not sick of seeing this face 24/7?" I teased.
"Actually I'm afraid you've spoiled me with your presence. How am I supposed to go on about my day without you here?" He asked.

"The same way you did before." I laughed.
He shook his head. "Now I have to sleep alone, how will I ever go on without you." He said and covered his heart.

"You are something else." I said, still laughing.
"Your laughter won't mend this broken heart." He said while flipping a pancake.
He is so dramatic.

"And how do you suggest I mend it?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe a kiss?" He asked while flipping the last pancake. He was cooking them 2 at a time.

"Fine." I sighed playfully.

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