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2 weeks later

"3.50 is your change have a great day!" I told the customer. Today is Monday and it's usually a slow day at the bakery. The employee who usually runs the register is on break and will be back any minute now so I can go back to the kitchen and finish up an order. Normally we have more workers here but it's a slow day and the rest of today's shift will come later on.

"Hey I'm back." Claire said putting her apron back on. She appeared just in time. I thank her for taking over the register again and head to the back.
The order I was working on is a birthday cake. According to the form they had to fill out, the customer wanted vanilla with strawberry filling and on the outside they wanted the colors to be pink, white and gold with butterfly decorations as the main theme.

I love doing cake orders because it's always something different compared to the standard desserts we have on display that I've made a million times.

It took about an hour to finish and I boxed the cake up and put it in the fridge.
The customer will be here to pick it up in a couple of hours.

After finishing that cake I went on to start on some more orders and before I knew it, two hours went by

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After finishing that cake I went on to start on some more orders and before I knew it, two hours went by.
"Hey Violet, someone's here for an order here's the number." Claire said paper. I checked the order number and it was the cake I finished earlier.
"Ok let me go grab it for you." I told her and went to the fridge. After grabbing the cake, I brought it out to her.
"Wait can you show me how to process cake orders again I forgot." She said cringing.
"Is no one up there with you?" I asked concerned because she's the newest employee scheduled today.
She's only been working here a couple days and yesterday was Sunday, the day we're closed, and it was her first day where she pretty much just helped us prep for today. Today she only really sold desserts out of the display case so this would be the first cake order she had to process. That's why she was scheduled for today because Monday's are so slow.

"Yes, but they're taking cake orders right now." She told me.
"Ok I'll come out with you and show you." I said and we began to walk out to the front.
The person in front of the counter caught me off guard.
It's Mr. Perfect Side Profile.
I'll just pretend I don't recognize him, I'm sure he's forgotten my face by now, plus I'm sure I look completely different from how I did at the auction.
"We meet again..." He said looking me in my eyes. Is this the part where he gives me his supervillain monologue?

"You remember me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course, how could I ever forget such a beautiful face?"

What a charmer.

"Im flattered, $64.99 is your total." I told him and he looked surprised for a second. What? Did he expect me to flirt back? I'm on the clock sir.

He took out his card tapped it on the pin pad until it dinged and the machine went on to print his receipt. "Receipt with you or would you like me to attach it to the box?" I asked him. "You can give it to me." He said with that sexy accent.

I gave begin the receipt and our fingers brushed against each other for a moment. I noticed how big his hands are which makes sense. Could you imagine this huge dude with baby hands?
"Have a nice day." I told him with a smile as I gave him the box. "Have dinner with me." He told me." Here we go...

"Have a nice day." I repeated with a smile. My customer service is excellent if I do say so myself.

He gave a light laugh. "I'll see you around glykiá mou." He told me and just like that he was out the door. (My sweet)

Don't get me wrong he's hot and all, but I feel like we're at two different levels and I don't want to embarrass myself.
"Did you know that guy?" Claire asked. I shook my head. I still don't even know his name, I mean I do but only his last name. He hasn't given me his name, neither has he asked for mine. We don't wear name tags here so he wouldn't know. The name attached to the order didn't seem like his either.
"I saw him one time at an event a couple weeks ago, never got his name." I told her. She nodded.
"Well he seemed like he was really into you." She said wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, alright newbie get back to work." I told with a playful glare.

I went back into the kitchen to see if there were anymore orders I had to fill today seeing as my shift is almost over. Thankfully I'm all done for today, the rest can wait for tomorrow.

I knocked on the door to my boss's office. Mr.Jones is more of a hands on boss, but typically on Mondays he's in his office.

"Come in." I heard him say.
"Hey I'm about to leave, Claire is still on register but Noah and Fatima are still here to help her out for a few more hours." I told him and he nodded. "Get home safe." He told me.

"I will."

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