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Why did I say that?
It's all I've been thinking about since I got home.

He seems nice, but I don't even know his name.
It seems like during our last couple encounters, he walked in looking like he eats money for breakfast, while I was standing there in my apron, covered in flour. A huge contrast.
With that in mind, if he's pursuing me like that, it can't just be about looks, which is still weird considering we don't know each other.
Feeling drained thinking about it, I take a nap.

Hours later, I wake up to the sound of the door opening. Must be Aria, I remember her saying she'll be back around 5 o'clock. Damn I slept for almost 5 hours.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Why do I still feel tired?
"I'm back!" Aria exclaimed. She knocked on my door and entered once I gave the ok. "You look like you've been hibernating Sandy." She said.
"Ha ha very funny. What do you want?" I asked.

"A new nightclub opened up called LUX, it's pretty cool, wanna go?" She asked. I really don't feel like going out tonight. Maybe on another day but my social battery is depleted after the day I had at work.

"I don't know, I'm pretty worn out from work." I told her.

"That's exactly why you need to go, forget about work and just have fun. This also gives you the chance to wear that dress you got last weekend." She said.
I pondered for a bit. "Fine."
It'll probably take my mind off him anyway.

Getting ready for the club was pretty easy. I did my makeup light because that means there will be less for me to wash off.
Just brows,foundation, concealer, lashes, with some red lipstick that I hope won't smudge. Everything took about 30 minutes to put on.
I also switched my silver nose ring out for a gold hoop. It definitely brought some attention to my left nostril.

"You ready?" Aria asked. I just finished slipping on the silky red dress that I bought last weekend. I'm in love with this dress, it's so simple, yet sexy. I finished off the look with some gold strapped heels. Suddenly I'm feeling pretty good about going out.
"Yeah, you look amazing." I told her. She had on a short black sparkly dress with a plunging neckline and open back.

 She had on a short black sparkly dress with a plunging neckline and open back

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We grab our clutches and left our apartment where a driver was waiting for us outside of a shiny black SUV

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We grab our clutches and left our apartment where a driver was waiting for us outside of a shiny black SUV. "When did you have the time to book a driver?" I asked her. Always one step ahead. It's pretty chilly out here but she said we didn't need a coat because we weren't going to be outside long.

"He's my family chauffeur, I'm paying him extra to drive us to the club and back today since his shift ends at 10." She told me. It's almost 7 o'clock, I hope she doesn't plan on us being here all night. I can't stand around in heels that long.

The chauffeur opens the door for us with a smile. "Thank you Louis." She told him and I gave him a small smile. This is so weird, but I guess it's better and safer than taking an Uber.
We arrived at the club in 30 minutes and the outside of the club looked elegant. At the top of the building were bright letters that read LUX. There was a red carpet and rope partitions on the side of the building leading to the front door where a bouncer was checking IDs.

I made my way to the line that was starting to form until I felt Aria grab my arm. I looked at her in question. "My dad got us VIP access, so we get to skip the line." She told me. Ok then. It felt kind of weird walking past the people in line who were waiting patiently. But I just treated it as if I was at an amusement park with a fast pass.

We showed the bouncer our IDs and the man next to him checked the list on an iPad and saw our names. We were able to walk in and there were strobe lights everywhere and music with the base so loud it made my chest hurt. There was a large crowd of people on the dancer floor and people scattered in the sitting areas with drinks in their hands. This building must have some good sound blockers because you couldn't hear anything from outside.

Aria and I made our way to the bar and she ordered 2 shots of tequila while I got some pink cocktail, it was pretty. I think there's edible glitter in it. The bartender got to fixing our drinks and when they were done, Aria knocked hers back with the quickness while I took a small sip. I had to stop my face from scrunching up at the bitter drink. It looked like it would taste as pretty as it looked, but instead, I'm tasting water and rubbing alcohol with a hint of juice. That might be an exaggeration, I really just don't like the taste of liquor.
However, I will make an exception for some wines and mimosas, but they don't serve them here for some reason and the wines they do serve I've never heard of and I'm not wasting anymore of my money.

After her shots, Aria pulled me onto the dance floor. I made sure to grab the 20 dollar drink and drink it down some more. I wanted some of my money's worth.

I ended up having a lot of fun on the dance floor even though it was a little crowded. We eventually tired ourselves out. "Want to head up to VIP now?" She yelled over the music.
"There's actually a VIP section? I thought that was just to skip the line." I yelled back. We are definitely losing our voices tomorrow.

"No it's up there, you see those stairs behind that rope?" She pointed to where a man stood with an tablet near a rope with stairs leading up. How did I not notice that?

We walked to the man and he checked our IDs to see if we were on the list. He unlatched the velvet rope and we walked up the stairs. It was a pretty long walk in these shoes before we finally reached the top. I'm ready to sit down, my feet are killing me.

Arriving at the lounge, there were a few socialites mingling with drinks in their hands. This section was pretty cool and the colors were changing every now and then. Right now, the lights were blue. There was also a woman in a fairy costume swinging on a pole that looked like a vine. The decorations behind her resembled a forest. That's pretty cool, I guess they have themes here. Downstairs, instead of pole dancers, there were aerial acrobats swinging graciously from the ceiling. I saw men and women with amazing costumes on. I see why it costs so much to come here.

A server came over asking if we wanted any drinks. Aria ordered another shot while I just got a lemonade. I learned my lesson from last time and figured I wouldn't waste my money on a drink I wouldn't like.

As Aria and I were talking, I heard laughter coming from further down the lounge. I glanced over to see two men of similar height walking next to each other. I glanced at the slightly buffer man and recognized those tattoos from anywhere. The man next to him resembled him greatly with the exception that his skin was bare of tattoos from what I could tell. Are they related? They both walked over to woman and two men who were talking amongst themselves. I watched as they greeted each other.

"Is that Mr.Artino?" Aria whispered. I told her about the two times he's asked me out at my job and she soaked up every bit of the story, claiming that this is the beginning of a true love story. She reads too much. I should lock up her book collection.
"Who is that next to him?" She asked staring at the man next to him.

He looked over in my direction and his eyes widened a little, probably not expecting me here. Don't tell me he owns this club. That would be so predictable.

He smirked at me and tapped the other man's shoulders. He said something to him that I couldn't make out because of the music. Both of them turned to look in our direction and began walking over here.

Guess I'm going to have to give my decision sooner rather than later.

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