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"How the hell are you being sued?"
It makes no sense. What the hell could possibly cause for a lawsuit against him?

"Well, apparently Andrea is not all bark no bite." He said.

"That's who's suing you?! What could she possibly be suing you for?" I asked bewildered. This is all so random. Why wait months for this? Hell, when you think about, she waited years to do this considering that incident happened years ago.

"Not sure, I'll know more once my lawyer gets here." He told me.
All these months of peace and she randomly pops up out of nowhere with a lawsuit. It doesn't make sense.

"I can leave if you want." His lawyer is on their way and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to listen in on whatever they're gonna talk about. I'm not sure how these things work.

"No it's fine, I want you to be here."

We waited for about 30 minutes before a knock was heard. Once Kostas told them to come in, the door opened and an older woman walked in.
She was wearing a white pantsuit and some very flashy jewelry. Her graying hair was pulled back into a tight bun.

"Wish I was here on better terms..." The woman sighed. Kostas scoffed. "Are you ever?" She gave him a sarcastic smile then looked at me.

"Who is this? Your girlfriend?" She teased.
"Actually yes, this is my girlfriend Violet." He said making her eyes widen.

"Well this is news of the century! Hi dear, nice to meet you. I'm Elena. I've been this company's lawyer for almost 30 years now." She said and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you too." I smiled softly.

"Ok, now what I've came here for." She placed her bag down and took out a Manila folder. She sat at the other chair near us.

"First I have to ask because it's my job...are you comfortable with me speaking about this with her in the room?" She asked Kostas.

"Yes, whatever you have to say, you can say in front of her. She's had multiple run-ins with Andrea so I don't see why not." He replied.

"Ok. Let's get started." She said then cleared her throat.
"To simply put it, you're being sued for defamation of character." She said making our eyes widen.
"Defamation? How?" I asked. If this is about her losing her job, that's on her. 

"Well, apparently after the last encounter Andrea had with Kostas, her career was jeopardized." She answered.

What the fuck does that have to do with Kostas? He didn't make her look bad all on his own. No one told her to vandalize his apartment.

"That has nothing to do with me, that mugshot and police report is what caused her career to go into shambles. She literally has no evidence to back up her claim so how is she able to go through with this lawsuit?"  Kostas asked, clearly irritated. I feel the same way, this is so unnecessary and random.

"She has a good lawyer I can tell you that, but I'm better. Whoever it is was able to spin it to make it look like you were the cause, but don't worry, the evidence works in your favor. The police report after your arrest goes against her claim." She said.

This girl must've been penny pinching these last few years if she was able to afford a good lawyer.

"How long before this is over? This lawsuit is bad for business, especially if the media has already gotten ahold of it." Kostas said.
It's crazy how fast word gets around.

"These cases can last anywhere from six to twelve months, some even go on for years. It's a tedious process, however, by Andrea not having much against you, I don't think this will take that long." She said making Kostas sigh.

"This is giving me a fucking headache." He murmured as he rubbed his temples. His chair was fairly close to mine so I rubbed his back, hoping I could at least console him.

"Just to warn you...that incident at your apartment we worked so hard to bury is going to have to resurface if you want the media to be on your side. Right now Andrea is telling a different story." Elena said. I'm guessing she's talking about that day she was arrested after destroying his apartment.

"Great... are you sure that's the last thing or is there something else? Maybe there's a meteor heading towards earth and the coordinates for its landing happens to be where this building is." He said sarcastically. I wanted to laugh, but I know he's just frustrated.

"No dear, I promise that's it. You might be getting a lot of attention right now, but we will win this case, she has nothing on you to prove you intentionally sabotaged her career. If anything, we will counter sue her for defamation because she is lying to the media to tarnish your reputation. What she's doing is called slander." Elena said.

I hope she's right...


"CEO and World's Most Eligible Bachelor Kostas Artino is being sued for defamation of character by former model Andrea Ballis. Ballis claimed, on her Instagram live, that Artino purposely fed her agency lies about her character in order to get her fired after their rough breakup, which led to her being blacklisted and unable to find employment for the last 3 and a half years. A statement has not come out yet from Kostas Artino and no other information on the case has been brought forward. I'm Lesley Cunningham and you heard it here on Headline Today. Up next, 5 year old lion escapes the wild cat sanctuary." The reporter said.

"What the fuck..." Aria said and slowly looked at me. "What are they talking about?" She asked.

I'm pretty good at predicting the future. I had a feeling that Aria was going to find out about Andrea eventually. Whether through me or Hector. Since this case is already being broadcasted, I don't see why I shouldn't at least fill her in on who she is.

"Yeah...that's Kostas's ex." I said. Her eyes widen .
"Ex? How long have they been broken up? The reporter said 3 and a half years is that true?" She asked. I nodded.

"Technically they were never really together. They were what people call fuck buddies. Long story short she wanted more and he didn't, when he made that known, she vandalized his apartment and slit his tires. The police was called and that's how her career plummeted. Those mugshots and that police report got to her agency, so they fired her and blacklisted her. She's spinning the story to make it seem like Kostas was some evil mastermind behind the whole thing and that's why she can't get any modeling gigs." I said and rolled my eyes. This whole thing is stressing Kostas out which is stressing me out.

It's been a few days since we found out about the lawsuit and Kostas plans on making an official statement tomorrow. He asked me if I could make a couple statements during the trial and I agreed without hesitation. Andrea did approach me and basically told me her plans, so this will be useful in court.

Kostas did warn me that this would make our relationship public because the trial will be broadcasted and I will have to state my relationship to him. It wouldn't make sense for Andrea to approach me at the bakery that day if I lied to the jury and said Kostas and I were just friends. Clearly we're something more based on that interaction. There were witnesses to it because her screaming brought attention to us. We were only a few feet from the bakery to be fair.

"Wow she sounds terrible. So what is Kostas gonna do now? She's literally spitting on his name right now. They're blowing up all over Twitter. I swear the one time I take a break from social media, this happens." She said as she scrolled through her phone.

"He'll be making an official statement tomorrow. It crazy how she waits almost four years to do this. It makes no damn sense. Maybe her model money dried up and this is a way for her to get some quick cash."
I'm hoping this blows over soon I couldn't imagine this going on for months. The fact that she was even able to make a case out of this has me worrying about what she could possibly have against him, whether it's true or not.

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