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"I think a nice fitted jumpsuit would look good on you." Leona said.

We were currently in her shop getting me something to wear for tonight. I was originally going to wear a dress but Leona suggested otherwise. I'm not opposed to the idea since that means I won't embarrass myself by slipping on a gown the whole night.
Well... I can still do that in heels I suppose.

"Okay that's fine." I told her. I trust her judgement. She left and soon came back with a shimmering jumpsuit.

"That material is really pretty." I told her. Aria nods agreeing with me, she's been sipping champagne in the lounge area this whole time.

"Try it on so I can make sure it doesn't need any minor adjustments." Leona told me. I tried it on behind the curtain and it was a perfect fit. It hugged my curves perfectly.

"It fits great!" I said walking with the jumpsuit in my hands

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"It fits great!" I said walking with the jumpsuit in my hands.

After paying for it using Aria's family card, we left with just over three hours to spare.

Once we got home we each began to get ready. I took a shower and exfoliated, when I got out I moisturized. My skin gets really dry during the cold months and sometimes rough if I don't moisturize and exfoliate.

I did my hair and makeup first and once I was done, I put on the jumpsuit. It took me about two and a half hours to get ready because my makeup takes forever and I'm constantly messing up and starting over since I'm not a professional. We could've called Aria's makeup artist, but she lives an hour away and we knew she wouldn't have enough time to do both of our faces so we decided to do our own.

I'm not putting my shoes on until right before we leave because I know after 15 minutes of wearing these heels my feet will start to throb. That's why I hate wearing heels I only bought myself a few pairs that'll match everything but Aria is always buying me more to match any outfit I decide to wear.

Walking out with my heels in my hands and my clutch, I run into Aria who looks to have just finished getting ready too.

"Damn girl!" I said looking her up and down. She laughed.

"Have you seen yourself though?" She asked making me laugh.

Aria had on a white dress that hugged her figure wonderfully.

Aria had on a white dress that hugged her figure wonderfully

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"Ready to go?" She asks. I nod and put my shoes on. After locking up and leaving the building, I noticed a limo waiting outside. I turn to Aria. She shrugged.

"Gotta ride in style." She said.

Thirty minutes later we arrive at the auction and I am blown away. There are dozens of limos and flashy cars lined up outside, paparazzi and the news station! This is being broadcasted?! I am not trying to end up in someone's article.

"Are you okay?" Aria asked noticing my mini panic attack. I nodded. "Yeah let's just go inside." I told her. I need to calm down and humble myself, why would somebody write about a random girl with no celebrity status?

Walking towards the entrance I'm almost blinded by the flash of the millions of cameras. Okay not millions but it's enough to temporarily blind you.

Aria pulls me towards the red carpet to take some pictures. We finally made it inside and I'm blown away for a second time.

This place is very elegant, there were so many tables with gorgeous floral centerpieces. The tables were filled with people talking amongst themselves and at the opposite side of the room, there was a stage with a section that was roped off, behind the ropes were beautiful jewelry, paintings and sculptures. There was also a podium where I'm guessing the speaker will be. The theme here seems to be white based on the decorations. Enormous chandeliers hang from the ceiling adding to the expensive look.

But, as beautiful as this place looked I could already feel myself becoming bored

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But, as beautiful as this place looked I could already feel myself becoming bored. It's not like I will participate in the auction since I can't afford a damn thing here.

"Let's find our seats." Aria said pulling me from my thoughts. I nodded and we walked a little bit towards the front of the room where we saw her parents seated talking to each other. I didn't see her siblings, which is weird, I thought they would be at an event like this.
Noticing my confusion, Aria let me know that her brother and sister were currently in Dubai on business. Sounds fun.

They looked towards us once we neared the table, smiles taking over as they stood up to greet us. We hugged each other and sat down.

"So Violet how's work going?" Her Dad, Derrick, asked me.

I nodded, "It's going great I'm learning some techniques and a lot of recipes that I made my own. " I told him.

"How long have you been working there? Three years?" Her Mom, Shannon, asked me in a tone that usually meant she has more to say. I nodded wondering where she was going with this.

"Do you feel like you're benefiting there? Because you can always come work for us, you know we'll give you a paid internship and you will definitely be a lot more prepared to start your own business. Just say the word and a job is yours." She said, Derrick nodded along to what she was saying.

"Ma..." Aria said in a warning tone. I laughed a little bit under my breath. We have this conversation every time we see each other. They feel like I would do much better working underneath them, but I love my job because I'm spending my time there doing what I love, baking. I don't want an office job. Plus the time I spend at the bakery is time spent perfecting my craft, learning new recipes and ways to improve them.

Also, I'm sort of loyal to Mr.Jones, he gave me a chance fresh out of college when a lot of other bakeries wanted at least 3 years of experience and a portfolio to show your skills. And while I do have pictures of my work, I didn't have the documented experience they were looking for.

I do get advice from Aria's parents when I need it though, because they are more successful when it comes to the business aspect. So everyone has their purpose.

"Yeah yeah I know." She said waiving Aria off. Then she looked at me, "If you ever change your mind, you know where to find us."

"Ladies and Gentlemen please take your seats, the auction will now begin." Someone announced and an older man approached the podium.

Well, time to watch rich people fight over some paintings.

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