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I sat listening to my younger brother rant about the hectic day he's had. Today was the grand opening of his nightclub LUX. This club has been in development the last few years and it's finally open.
He always wanted to open up his own nightclub and I'm glad to see him accomplish it. He hopes to open a similar club in Greece in the next few years as well.

He was still the President at Artino Co. We operate out of Greece and the US for the most part, but we are expanding to more countries in Europe. This company was officially passed down to us 4 years ago from my father, he was the CEO and my brother and I both worked under him. It was tough bouncing from country to country and states ensuring that business was running smoothly in every sector.

In my hand was a glass of Metaxa, a Greek specialty liquor I was drinking.
"Can you believe the DJ was almost a minute late? I told him to be here an hour before the club opened." He exclaimed.

"Key word, almost. Calm down Hector and enjoy the view of your success." I told him. We were in his office which had a good view of the dance floor. The strobe lights and aerial acrobats added to the liveliness of the atmosphere. We could hear a little bit of the base from outside the office, but other than that it was pretty quiet in here. Peaceful, just how I like it.

"Yeah yeah, so adelfós, how's it going with your little love interest?" He asked me. (Brother)
"She said she'll think about it." I said. He cringed. "Ooh sweet rejection." He said with his hand over his heart. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Shut up, it wasn't a rejection." I told him. He cackled like I just told the funniest joke. "Vlákas." I muttered as I shook my head. (Idiot)

Right about now, the club was starting to become more packed as people crowded the dance floor. "I think some of our friends made it to the lounge, we should probably go greet them." Hector said.

Some of our friends came here from Greece to witness the grand opening of the club Hector has been speaking so highly of. "Let's hope Andrea isn't here." I said grimacing.

I don't even know why she used to still come around. She was someone I used to sleep with from time to time. At one point she had people fully convinced we were dating when we weren't, but I guess that's what it looked like from the outside looking in.

She was nice at first, but I never felt anything towards her and I made it clear multiple times. Hector always got a good laugh out of the situation, calling me a scaredy cat because I wouldn't check her, but I did, multiple times.

I just got tired of repeating myself. She would always introduce me as her boyfriend when I never even asked her out. She's friends with Sasha, which is how I met her in the first place. She used come around when Sasha came to visit for big events, but stopped showing up after a couple months. It's been a few years since I stopped seeing her and she's been in Greece ever since, thankfully. We didn't have a smooth 'breakup'. She got violent and vandalized my apartment, which led to her arrest.

"Oh yeah your ex girlfriend right?" He said with a glimmer in his eyes as we walked out of the office. The music was very loud out here compared to the office.
"Shut the fuck up you know we were never serious." I said rolling my eyes and he laughed again.
I looked around the lounge and saw Apollo, Orion, and Sasha. Thankfully no Andrea.
We walked over to them. "Gia sou!" Sasha waived frantically with a big smile on her face.(Hi).

"This place is amazing." She said. Orion agreed with his arm wrapped around her. They've been together since they were teens and are now married with a toddler that they probably left with Sasha's parents while they were away.
"Thank you, I told you it was worth the hype." Hector said smugly and I greeted them. We haven't seen each other in a few months so it's good to see them again.

As we were talking I saw something red out of the corner of my eye. I looked further down the lounge and saw someone who looked an awful lot like the woman from the auction. She was wearing a silky red dress that hugged her figure wonderfully. All it took was for us to lock eyes with each other to confirm that it really was her. She was with another woman who was also looking down here.

I smirked at her and tapped Hector on his shoulder. He turned to me in question. "She's here." I told him. He eyes widened. "Andrea?" He asked. I almost facepalmed. "No, it's the woman from the auction I was telling you about." I told him. He looked over to me. "Which one?" He asked. I told him the one in red. "Hm I wonder if her friend is single." He said smiling. Of course that's the first thought that came to his mind.
"I'm going over there." I told him and began to walk away. He followed me after telling our friends we'd be back.

The closer we got, the more I could see her face. In her hand was a glass of what looked like lemonade.

"I didn't think I'd be seeing you this soon, are you stalking me?" I ask her in a joking manner. I saw the corner of her lip raise for a second.
"You wish, I'm actually here with my friend, Aria." She said and I glanced at the woman who was staring at my brother who gave her a smile.
"Would you mind sitting with me for a minute?" I asked the mystery woman. She raised a brow. "Um..." She hesitated.
"Of course not, just stay where I can see you." Her friend cut her off, making the mystery woman glare at her. I smiled and held my hand out for her to take. She hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in mine, it fit so perfectly into mine.

I walked her over to a couch so we could sit and talk. I was feeling exited to finally speak to her again outside of her job. This day came sooner than expected.

Could this be considered an unofficial first date?

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