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"So, why did you want to have dinner with me?" I asked him.
He puts down his glass.

"Well, after the auction I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was lucky enough to see you at that bakery that day thanks to my mother sending me to pick up my sister's cake, which she loved by the way. Seeing you there sparked my interest even more. You looked adorable even covered in flour believe it or not. I figured either now or never, and I asked you to dinner. I do realize now that asking you at your job like that was probably a little awkward for you and I apologize if I made you feel that way." He said and took another sip of his wine. Wow I wasn't expecting that answer. And it's nice to know that cake was for his sister.

"It's okay we're here now aren't we?" I replied to which he smiled.
"Was that cake for your sister's birthday?" I asked him. I vaguely remember putting a happy birthday topper on it but I'm not sure.

"Yes, she turned 15 and my parents threw her this huge party. A lot of my relatives from Greece flew in to celebrate." He said.

"Your parents stay in the US?" I asked him.
"Yeah they own property here, we moved here when my father expanded the company. My sister goes to private school here and they'll be moving back to Greece for good once she graduates." He told me.

We then began to talk about our families and interests. "So, is baking something you enjoy or it's just a job for you?" He asked me.
"Oh yea, it's my passion. I want to open up a bakery some day, but right now I'm just taking it one day at a time." I said.

"I think you would run a wonderful bakery." He said and that made me smile.
"That means a lot, thanks." I told him.
As we waited on the food we learned more facts about each other. I learned that the company he runs is part of the oil and gas industry, so I guess that makes him an oil tycoon? He said they operate out of the US and Greece and are planning to expand to more countries.

I also learned that he likes to golf in his free time. Can this man get any more cliche?
An oil tycoon who likes to golf.

"I like to crochet, some of my tops and sweaters are crocheted by me. It takes me weeks to finish sometimes." I told him. I've made a few crocheted crop tops but now it's fall, so time to whip out the sweaters again. I'm proud at how they all turned out considering they took months to make.
"So you're just a woman of many talents huh?" He said smiling.

Before I could say anything I saw the waitress come with our food. About damn time.
It looks good and smells good and I can't wait to try it.
"Enjoy." She said as she puts the plates down in front of us. I unwrap the fork and knife from the napkin and start eating.
"I've never really had Greek food before." I told him as I ate. I was right it was as good as it looked.

"We'll have to change that. How about I make you dinner next time?" He asked me. Next time? He wants to go on another date?
"I would like that." I told him smiling.
"Is that my xáderfos?" A woman exclaimed walking over to our table. (Cousin)
She was pretty. Kostas looked towards her and a smile broke out on his face as he got up to hug her.
"Violet this is my cousin, Athena, she owns this restaurant." He told me. I almost sighed in relief knowing this wasn't his ex girlfriend or something, that would've been awkward.

"Nice to meet you

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"Nice to meet you." I said and she smiled at me. "How are you liking the restaurant?" She asked me. "It's very nice and the food is great." I told her. "Éxochos." She said exclaimed with a clap of her hands. (Excellent)

"Well, I'll leave you to it, I just had to come see for myself when I heard my cousin was here." She said giving him a final hug and waved goodbye to me. Does his whole family look like models? Genetics are next level.
"How about dessert?" He asked when he sat back down. I'm kind of full, but a little dessert never hurt anyone.

He waved the waitress over.
"We'll take the baklava and one bowl of loukoumades." He told her. The desserts are already made so it shouldn't take too long.
"I should've asked this before, but you don't have a peanut allergy do you?" He asked. And I shook my head, I'm not allergic to anything as far as I know.
"Good because the baklava contains nuts." He told me.

Soon the waitress came back with 2 plates and a bowl of what look like donut holes.
The dessert on the plate kind of looked like lasagna. "That's the baklava, try it." I listened and picked up a fork and ate a piece. "It's very good." I told him. I'm having fun trying these new foods. He picked up another fork and stuck it inside the bowl to get what I thought was donut holes. I thought he was about to eat one, but he put the fork in front of my mouth. "Try it." He said and I let him feed it to me. It was sweet and my tastebuds appreciated the taste of honey and cinnamon. "This is the loukoumade."

After talking a little while longer I realized that hours went by since we arrived at the restaurant.
We got the bill, which Kostas paid for, and he left a tip. I know our meal cost at least 700 dollars.

He helped me up and led me down the stairs. I noticed a lot of the customers were gone. It was a little after 9 now and I'm ready to put on some more comfortable clothes. He helped me into the truck and took me back home.

"I had a lot of fun today." I told him as we pulled up to the apartment complex.
"I'm glad you did. What are your plans for next Saturday?" He asked me. I told him I didn't have anything planned and he said he will pick me up for another date, but this time he's cooking for me. I'm feeling excited for our next date already.

He's proven himself to be a gentlemen and I wouldn't mind continuing the dates and getting to know him more and I'm sure he feels the same.
He walked me to my apartment and I unlocked the door. He didn't come in, instead, he placed his hands on the side of my arms and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you next week moró." He told me and left. (Baby)

"So....how did it go?" I heard Aria ask from behind me.


How are you guys liking the book so far? I hope it's not putting you to sleep. I know it's moving kind of slow right now.

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