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Warning: mature content


We each read off the results of the other's test. We swapped envelopes and opened them together. I know I shouldn't even feel like this, but his willingness to get tested meant a lot to me. I was afraid that question would scare him off. Some people take offense to questions like that, but not him. And I couldn't be happier.

"Why don't we celebrate this wonderful news?" He said while getting up. I stood up with him and he walked us to the basement. Oh my god there is a sex dungeon down here isn't it? So I was right.


He led me to what looks like a wine cellar. He grabbed a bottle of that fancy wine I liked at the restaurant and grabbed my hand to lead up back upstairs. He's spoiling me with that wine because now I can't drink another type, which isn't good because we all know too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

We walked into the kitchen and he poured us each a glass before we went back to the living room. I honestly thought he would jump at the opportunity to sleep with me once we got our results back. Maybe he's still trying to take it slow?

"When was the last time you played that piano?" I asked him genuinely curious, but also to get my mind of the thought of us having sex. I could see the piano from here.

"A couple years." He said rubbing my legs that were in his lap. "Can you play me something?" I asked and he nodded. He took me to the little cozy spot in the house where the grand piano was and sat down at the bench.

"I might be a little rusty." He said while running his fingers over the keys. I wish I were those keys. Wait what? Where did that come from?

"That's okay." I reassured him and took a sip of the wine. He cracked his fingers and began to play. Upon hearing the music come from the keys, my eyes widened. I think I recognize this song and I'm impressed at how well he's playing it.
I went through a phase where I almost exclusively listened to classical music for some reason. He's playing Für Elise. I watch him as he concentrates on pressing the right keys.

I honestly don't know what I was expecting when I asked him to play the piano for me, but I should've known he would be incredible because let's be honest, what isn't this man great at? I remember him telling me he used to have concerts when he was younger.
He definitely retained his skills.

This goes on for a couple minutes before he ends the song and I immediately start clapping.
"Wow that was amazing!" I exclaimed and his ears started to become a little pink. "Thank you baby." He said and grabbed my hand to bring me down to his lap. We sat there for a minute, just enjoying each other's company.

"So..." I trailed off trying to find the right words for what I want to tell him. I'm already getting second hand embarrassment from myself, is that even possible? He raises a brow.
"I've....been thinking, and now that we know we're both clean, I'm ready to...you know." I told him and almost cringed. Conversations like this always make me cringe internally because it's such a weird topic to speak about and him looking me directly in my eyes the whole time doesn't make it any better. Eye contact makes me uncomfortable sometimes.

What if I seemed to forward? Maybe this was a bad time to bring it up, we literally just saw each other's results 10 minutes ago. What if he's not ready? I probably sound desperate right now, either that or I'm overthinking. I'm just ready to take our relationship to the next level and I love the fact that he's been so patient with me.

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