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I don't know where the time went, but it felt like just yesterday when I met Kostas at that auction.

And you're telling me our 1 year anniversary is today? We've been together a whole year already?

My phone rang as I was thinking. Aria was calling.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Did you figure out your costume yet?" She asked getting straight to the point.
I almost laughed. She's been bugging me about my costume all week. I told her I wasn't sure, and I wasn't lying. Kostas said he was doing our costumes this year since I did ours last year.

It's our anniversary, so of course we're doing couples costumes.
Aria and Hector are dressing up as marvel characters, Hector being Thor and Aria being Storm.

I still have no idea what Kostas has in mind, so I'm just a sitting duck, that is, until he gets back.
"Nope I'm still as clueless as you." I told her.
"Ugh well call me when you find out, the suspense is killing me. Also, I'm staying with Hector for the weekend so if you don't see me tomorrow that's why." She said.
"That's cool I'll probably be here anyway." I told her.
"You're always there, why don't you just move in?" She teased.
"I could ask you the same thing." I laughed.
"Girl, Hector and I are no where near that level, you and Kostas, on the other hand, act like a damn married couple every time you're over there." She told me.
"Are you just trying to get the apartment to yourself?" I teased. If I were to truly move out she would definitely be fine, rent-wise.

"Sure...nah I'm joking, but I'll see you tonight and tell your man to hurry up with those costumes." She told me.

We ended the call shortly after and I decided to check his location to give me a clue. Yeah, we have each other's location. Not because we don't trust each other, but for safety measures. Same reason Aria and I share locations. If anything was to ever happen, one of us will know where the other was last seen. Many will call us paranoid, but I call it being safe.

Once the app loaded I was able to see that he was at his usual barber shop? That's strange, only because he said he wasn't getting his hair trimmed until next weekend.

The dot started moving which means he's leaving the shop. Now I'm curious. Hopefully he's on his way home because I want to know what he was doing there. Maybe he's trying out a new hairstyle?

I started making me a snack in the meantime, and by snack I mean cookies, I'm in the mood for chocolate chip cookies and I still have dough left over from the last time I made some over here in the freezer.

After laying the cookies out on a baking sheet I put them in the oven after pre-heating it.
10 minutes later, they were done and I set them on the stove to set. By this time, I got a notification from the ring, saying it detects motion outside. That might be Kostas. I checked anyway and my thought was confirmed. I watched as he got out of the truck and grabbed multiple bags out of the trunk. Costumes maybe? I stopped being a creep and left the app as he unlocked the door. I left the kitchen and by the time I made it to him, he was in the house.

"Are those the costumes?" I asked him.
"Hello to you too beautiful." He said sarcastically. I gave a stifled laugh and went to hug him.
"Hi!" I said with an exaggerated amount of joy. He grinned and gave me a passionate kiss that almost put me in a daze.
"To answer your question, yes these are our costumes." He said once we pulled away.
"Let me see!" I said went to grab the bags from him. He moved his arm so I couldn't grab them and I huffed.
"What are you doing?" I asked with suspicion clear in my voice.
"Don't you wanna know why I have this hood on?" He asked with a grin. Oh yeah, he is wearing a hood, could this have something to do with him going to the barber shop?
"Now that you said something, yes I do, what's under there?" I asked, reaching for his hood. He removed it and I gasped.
Well this is new.

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