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How did six weeks go by that fast?!

Things have really calmed down in the last month. People finally stopped talking about the trial and thankfully reporters never showed up to my job.

I'm glad I typically work in the kitchen because the few times I was on register, I got questionable stares from people who asked if I was Kostas's girlfriend or "that billionaire's girlfriend". I lied of course and said that I get that question a lot. I wasn't all glammed up so it was more believable.

I'm currently standing on this platform while the stylist makes sure my dress is perfect. My hair is slicked back into a low puff and my makeup matches the color of my dress.
We went with a color I don't wear often.
It might not be my favorite color, but I can't deny how good it looks on me.

The gala is in an hour and I'm kind of nervous because that means Kostas and I will be circulating the internet again.

"You look beautiful!" The stylist said as he stepped back.
I smiled and thanked him.
He helped me down so I wouldn't fall and I went across the hall to where Kostas was.

He was in the mirror fixing his bow tie. He was finished getting ready and he looked so handsome.

"Ready?" I asked making him turn around.
"Yes and you look amazing." He said smiling.

Soon enough we were driving to the gala, with Kostas making sure to compliment me every 10 seconds.
Unfortunately my family couldn't make it, but they did congratulate Kostas on his achievements.

Anthony still had a couple more weeks before his assignment is over and my parents had to fly to Tennessee for a funeral.

My mom's old friend was in a car accident a couple weeks ago and died in the hospital shortly after. It's pretty sad to think about. She was only 49, but we're glad the person that hit her is gonna serve jail time. I didn't know her that well, but I can still sympathize.

I felt the truck stop and looked up to see we were parked by a red carpet. Kostas didn't want to ride in a limo and wanted to show off his new Lamborghini truck.

Kostas stepped out of the truck and came around to open my door. As soon as the door opened the sound of camera shutters and screaming photographers were amplified.

"Over here!"

"Look this way!"

"Can you smile for me?!"

"Who are you wearing?!"

I've grown to dislike these events. They're boring and always filled with snobby rich people. Everyone thinking they're better than the next.

It's honestly pitiful how much image means to some people. Don't get me wrong I do value my image, but not to the extent that some of these people go to. Nobody's perfect.

I look around at some of the couples who are clearly only married for business purposes. They could at least fake it.
I also notice the stereotypical trophy wives with their millionaire husbands going around mingling with other similar couples.

I know I sound judgmental right now, but I couldn't care less. Most of these people I've interacted with at previous events literally threw every micro aggression they could think of at me.

Even though I can't stand any of them, they all seem to have their lives together and I can't help but envy them for that.
I've always wanted to open up a bakery. I loved baking with my parents growing up, and it always stuck with me.
Last month, I saw a nice building for sale, but never got around to looking more into it.

Maybe I'll bring up my idea to him tomorrow.
I remember him encouraging me to do this when I pitched my idea to him on our first date. I know once I tell him, he'll go all in and it's not necessarily a bad thing, but he could go overboard sometimes when it came to me and I don't want to feel like I contributed nothing towards my success.

I felt him squeeze my waist. I looked up at him in a questioning manner. "Have I told you how beautiful you look this evening?" He said smirking. I scoff.
"Yeah only like a hundred times." I said making him laugh.
"Well you can make it 101." He rebutted and I smiled.

We finally made it inside the building and me from 9 months ago would've been amazed at the extravagance of this place, but now it ceased to amaze me.

He led me to a table in the front with our names on two of the seats. After pulling my chair out for me, he takes a seat next to me.

"I can tell you're bored, we've only been here 30 minutes." He chuckled. 30 minutes too long, I would much rather have a movie night.

I keep that thought to myself though. I don't want to ruin his night with my complaints. This is very important to him considering this event is in his honor this time, unlike the others where it was just auctions hosted by people of equal status and other charity events where the only purpose is to show off their wealth.

"I'm just hungry that's all, I didn't eat before we left." I told him. His eyebrows furrow.

"Hm is that so? Stay here while I get you something." He says and gets up to walk over to the workers serving food on the other side of the room.

I decide to scroll through my phone so I won't look awkward just sitting here alone.

A couple of seconds later I see a chair move back at our table and I look up to see his parents as well as his younger brother and sister.

"Gia sou Violet!" His mom greets me and they all follow suit. I greet them back and we began to speak about what's been going on in our lives since the last time we've seen each other which was about a month ago. (Hi)
Aria was here as well with Hector, which I'm happy for because that means I'm not the only black woman here.

Soon the man of honor came back and set a large plate down in front of me with a variety of different foods. Suddenly I'm hungry for real this time.

"Thank you." I pecked his cheek lightly and began to eat carefully, being mindful of my makeup, not wanting to ruin my lipstick. He smiled at me and greeted his family before someone came onto the stage with an announcement to make which means the event is officially starting.

I sighed.
This is gonna be a long night.

Two and a half hours later, the event was finally over. Kostas gave a speech and afterwards we were approached by many people. Some of which were the same people who assumed I was his assistant at the auction.

Good news is, it's finally time to go, Kostas received a plaque that he will hang in his office and they got a picture of him posing with it.

We walked towards the truck that was parked out front and Kurt opened the door for us. Kostas let me in first then followed after me.

"I promise this is the last event for a while." He said rubbing my thigh. I gave a light laugh.

"Yeah alright." I said. Knowing him something will pop up last minute and he'll invite me to another.

"I'm serious." He smiled.


Yup we've made it to the prologue, which was really an excerpt. This is slightly different to compensate for the new characters introduced.

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