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2 months later


That's the only word I can use to describe what I've been feeling these last couple of months. Kostas met my family last month at my dad's birthday party. It was my dad's idea to invite him because he felt like the meeting was long overdue.

Kostas got along well with my family and I couldn't be happier. I had way less anxiety about him meeting my family then I did when I met his. My parents are the type to not care what he looks like as long as he's treating me right.

As time went by, I began to worry about Andrea less. The last time I saw her was months ago and that was when she made that empty threat. After so many weeks went by, we chalked it up to her being all bark no bite. She could've just said that in the heat of the moment. A lot of people say shit they don't mean when they're angry and she was livid that day. I don't even think I did anything to prompt that reaction, but I guess what I said to her that day triggered something in her.

Kostas and I continued to progress in our relationship. We've been happy, content even. We've heard nothing from her, but apparently her and Sebastian have recently broke up and by recently I mean last week. I wonder if she'll blame that on Kostas as well since apparently he's the cause of all of her problems.

"Did you ever get ice cream from the store ." Aria asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I was supposed to be watching this movie, but I zoned out.
I looked over to her and nodded. "Yeah it should be in the freezer." She gets up to check. While she's gone I get a call from Kostas. Perfect timing because I was just thinking about him.
I answer the phone already knowing what he's going to ask me.

"Hey, did you eat yet?" I almost want to laugh. This is his way of asking me to join him for lunch at his office. I don't mind, it's quality time we spend together. I could be there one hour or three, just depends on if he has a meeting or not. He says I'm not a distraction, but I know I am.

"Nope." I replied.
"Come by my office I'll order one of your favorites." He said making me laugh. He found it ridiculous that I didn't have a favorite food, but there's too many that I like to choose from! There's so many meals I wouldn't mind eating everyday.

"Okay." We hung up shortly after that. The movie was pretty much over, so I could start getting ready.

I have lunch with Kostas almost everyday now. Most of my shifts are opening shifts now, and while I hated these shifts for how early I had to wake up, I like having the rest of the day to myself. Coincidentally, my shifts end around the time he usually eats lunch so that's how I started eating with him. My shifts in total are 8 hours because I get a paid lunch, another thing I love about this job.

Last month I went on a more consistent schedule. My days and times used to be sporadic, but now I open Monday through Friday. I prefer this way because now I don't work weekends at all. The other assistant manager can handle that.

Today is Saturday and he's in the office for whatever reason. As much as he can be a workaholic, he usually has his weekends free from the office so this is weird.

"Hm...was that who I think it was?" Aria asks. She sat down with a bowl of ice cream in her hand.
"Yeah I'm about to go to his office for lunch."
I need to get ready, today was pretty much a lazy day for us so we've just been lounging around.
"Why is he in the office on a Saturday?" She questioned. I shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."
"Okay well have fun on your little office date." She said them made kissing noises. I shook my head. "We're just eating lunch...like we always do."
"Sure you are." She smirked and made a circle with her left hand and pushed her right index finger through....repeatedly.
This girl...

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