Cut Scenes Pt13

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13. Dio trying to be a single father (newborn)

Dio once more woke up by you crying, he began to feel and look more exhausted as the days passed.

"this child really made me sleep again at night, it feels like I'm human again" he said and then he stretched, he got up and walked over to your crib.

"what's the matter again?" he asked as he picked you up and tried to calm you down.

"what is bothering you again?" he asked as he checked your diaper, it was clean, he then went in the kitchen and started preparing your bottle, he managed to calm you down a bit.

When it was ready he checked the temperature and it was the right one, he sat down on one of the chairs and brought the bottle to your mouth, you immediately started eating, he was relieved that he at least found what was bothering you.

"I've never thought that as a vampire I'll need some sleep" he said and then he yawned, he waited patiently for you to be done drinking your milk, and when you did he let the bottle in the sink and placed you on his shoulder and started patting your back as he walked back to the room.

When you two were almost there you finally burped, he was gonna comment something but then he felt something running down his back, he pulled his stand out and sighed

"did you have to puke on me?" he asked and then he got in the room, he cleaned you and then put you in your crib and then went to clean himself.

When he came back and came over to check on you he saw that you were making a weird face but then he knew.

"first you get hungry, then you puke on me and now you're pooping? I need a break" he said as he picked you up and then got what he needed and went to change you

"now you need to stay still so I can change you" he said but he knew you wouldn't understand

After he changed you, he picked you up and put you back in your crib.

"I have a feeling that this won't be as easy as I thought" he said with a sigh and then layed back on his bed and slowly fell asleep.....only to be woken up a few hours later.

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