What If Pt29

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29. It's a small one but what if you lost your tooth and dio was alive? (age 5)

Your tooth has been weird lately and you didn't like it, you could eat differently and you hid it from dio and Jonathan.

But one day it was fated to be revealed... In the worst way.

You woke up and did your routine, you brushed your hair, got dressed and got downstairs.

"good morning (y/n)" dio said.

"good morning papa" you said as you took a seat, you looked at the breakfast and almost drooled, it was your favorite, pancakes with syrup and fruits, you rarely ate this breakfast.

You picked up your fork and began to eat, midway eating you felt something in your mouth, you put your fork down and tried to take the thing out.

"what happened?" dio asked, you opened your mouth and took the thing out, you looked at it and it was your tooth.

"what's that?" he asked, you moved your tongue around your mouth and felt that your tooth was gone.

"my tooth is gone" you said, dio looked at you and then at the thing you were holding.

"oh, that's your tooth.... ok" he said

"it has blood on it... Why is there blood on it?" you asked as you began to freak out.

"hey, it's going to be fine, the blood will stop and slowly as the time will pass a new tooth will grow" he said, at this point you had tears blurring your vision and you tried really hard to not cry.... But it didn't work, you began to bawl your eyes out and Dio immediately got up and tried to calm you down.

"hey, hey calm down, it's going to be fine... Does it hurt?" he asked and you shook your head.

"then why are you crying?" hea sked you.

"I'm scared of the blood" you said as you cried more.

'seriously? My child scared of little blood?... Who am I kidding she took it after Jonathan' he thought, he picked you up and went to the bathroom and cleaned your mouth.

"smile in the mirror and look" he said and you did as he said

"see there's no more blood.... It stopped" he said as he tried not to laugh because of how you looked without a tooth

"stop making fun of me!!" you said and you began to cry again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't make fun of you again" he said as he hugged you.

"you're making fun of me because I'm ugly!" you said

"no, that's nonsense! You're the cutest little girl... Even if you're missing a tooth" he said, after that he picked you up and went back so you could continue eating your breakfast.

"before you go to sleep tonight make sure to put your tooth under your pillow and the tooth fairy will bring you gifts" he said and you nodded in excitement.

So before you went to sleep that night you did as he said, and the next day you woke up with.... Gold? And jewelry? Under your pillow

"papa!! Look at what the tooth fairy gave me!!" you said as you showed him.

"maybe the tooth fairy liked you a lot and decided to give you gold and jewelry with gemstones" he said.

"the tooth fairy shouldn't play favorites, other kids might be sad.... Or worse, have no money, they might need those" you said.

'why didn't this child take anything from me?' he thought, he sighed and then looked at you.

"the tooth fairy knows more than you do" dio said and you nodded and then left.

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