What If Pt51

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51. What if dio died from someone/something else and the crusaders found you but at first they didn't know you were his child, so they found out through a test

It was maybe a day after you were born, someone kidnapped you so they could lure dio out and kill him.... And Dio was very surprised the person succeeded, so when he took care of Dio, he put you in a basket and just let you in the Nile river so you could die there on your own.... But you didn't.

The crusaders were close to finding dio when they got a call that Holly got better suddenly and she's fine, then they got a call from a member from the speedwagon foundation and they told them that dio was dead, they were surprised.

One day they were walking around when they heard cries of a baby, they searched from where it came from and they realized that it was from a basket in the river, Joseph used hermit purple and got the basket out, when they looked inside they saw you crying.

"that baby looks like it's a few days old" avdol said.

"we must take it to the hospital" Joseph said and they got you there, they explained everything and the doctors took you to see if you were okay, after minutes one came out of the room

"by the looks of it she's only 3 days old, she's been out for at least 2 days, I'm surprised that a small newborn like her didn't die from the heat or the dehydration, or even the fact that she didn't have anything to eat and she was in her dirty diapers" the doctor said.

"so she'll be fine right?" Joseph asked.

"yeah, she'll be good as new, for the time she'll be here you can look after her, but after she'll be fine we'll send her at an orphanage" the doctor said

For days they would check on you and you seemed to get better, but something told Joseph to not let you go at an orphanage and to take you in.... So that's what he did.

After he legally adopted you, he went to the hotel room and the others were surprised.

"don't look at me like that, something told me that this baby needs to stay with us for some reason" he said.

"you're old, how are you going to take care of her?" Jotaro asked

"I know how to take care of a baby, besides I'm not that old" Joseph said.

That same night he decided to give you a little bath, so he started taking your clothes off but his eyes widen when he saw the birthmark on your shoulder, he immediately took you out and the others looked at him

"Mr.joestar, she's going to catch a cold" avdol said.

"look at this" Joseph said and he pointed at the birthmark.

"what? How does she have it?" Polnareff asked.

"I don't know.... Maybe we'll call the foundation to do a DNA test, we need to find out who she is" Joseph said.

The next day they called two people from the foundation to do a DNA test, they took blood samples from you, Joseph and Jotaro and after that you all waited, the results would be ready by tonight.

And when the night came the two speedwagon foundation members came over to say everything.

"so? How is she related to us?" Joseph asked

"uhm... When we got the results it said that her closest ancestor is your grandfather Jonathan joestar and after that the closest relative is you Mr. Joestar" one of them said.

"so.... Wait.... Could it be that.... She's related to dio as well?" Joseph asked.

"we were going to say something about it later, we found a different DNA in her blood, but the dominant one is the joestar DNA" the same person said.

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