What If Pt66

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66. It's something that's been said by Polnareff so many times... What if Polnareff finally adopted you? (baby... You're a baby at first)

After the fight with dio they found out about you, you were whining because you're still a newborn baby

"so... What are we going to do with her? We killed dio and now she's an orphan" kakyoin said

"I want to adopt her" Polnareff said, everyone was shocked

"why? Don't forget she's also a part of our family" Joseph said

"because I'm lonely, after I go back to France I'll be home alone, I have no parents, no sister and no other relatives.... So I want to adopt her so I can have someone to take care of" Polnareff said, after some thoughts Joseph agreed and they made a deal that you'll know who your relatives are.

After some legal things they had to do you were adopted by Polnareff, he was very happy to finally have some company and he didn't care if you were his enemy's child.

"this is your new home!" he said happily, he showed you his room, bathroom, kitchen, living room, his sister's room which was untouched and last but not least your room, he got it ready for you before he adopted you.

He was so caught up with having some company over that he didn't count the sleepless nights he'll have, but he got through it though.

When you finally got a passport you bet your sweet ass you two went on trips around the world, you went to Germany, Switzerland, England, Croatia etc, you two went all over Europe.

One day you were left in the living room while Polnareff was making you something to eat, you crawled around but then you decided that you wanted to walk, so you went over the couch and grabbed on it and lifted yourself up, your friend was sitting there and when he saw that he smiled at you.

Just in time Polnareff walked in and saw it and gasped, you looked at him and then just started walking around

"yes! You finally walked!! We should celebrate that" he said as he picked you up.

"do you want to celebrate this with your big brother? Do you?" he asked and you smiled, meanwhile your friend was confused.... Polnareff didn't have the birthmark so how is he your big brother?

Your friend wondered about it for a while until he found out that Polnareff adopted you. But there are other joestars and they know about you, why didn't they take you in? Your friend was mad.

Around Christmas everyone decided to go to France and celebrate it there.

"she grew up so much since we last saw her" Joseph said as he picked you up.

"she even said her first word!" Polnareff said

"really? What was her first word?" Joseph asked

"her first word was 'papa' but when she said that she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at something else and she was crawling towards where she was looking, that day freaked me out but then she said merde which means shit so the day got better" Polnareff said and kakyoin laughed, the others where thinking of what Polnareff said, who did you call papa? Well you called your friend papa and he also decided he won't reveal himself to his family because he was mad at them for giving you up for adoption.

"oh! And she also started calling me big bro, I'm feeling so happy but I know that no one will replace my sweet sister sherry, but now I got a new sister to take care of" Polnareff said

Some time passed and you got older, Polnareff taught you both English and French but you spoke English with an accent

"big bro! Why do you have that room locked?" you asked Polnareff

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