What If Pt59

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59. What if dio never wanted you and just left you out in the streets and someone adopted you?

Dio looked at you as you were sleeping

"I don't want her" he said

"b-but my lord... It's your child" one of his loyal followers said

"I don't care, she looks like my enemy, I don't want to do with something that's related to him, just let her on the streets I don't care" dio said, the servant didn't argue, they put you in a box and just left you somewhere in an abandoned alley

A few hours later a couple was alerted by your crying, this couple was tourists from America, they went to see what was going on and they saw you crying, without a second thought they took you to the hospital and there they found out that you were only born that day, of course they kept you there and the couple made sure to visit you

"this is our chance, it's a sign that we need to take her in!... We both can't have children but we want one so badly, we can take her in and give her the best family since her own abandoned her" the woman said, the man thought and agreed.

It took them a while to adopt you, the police searched for your parents but they were never found, and after a while the couple adopted you. When they got back home everyone in their family welcomed you warmly.

"what a strange birthmark she has" your grandmother said

"I think it's very beautiful" your mother said

While growing up you would only remember of good times, they even had many photo albums and videos of you and your best moments

Everything seemed happy but they were always anxious, what if your parents come back for you? They don't want to let you go.

One day it was bring your kid to work day, you were only 2 that time and since your parents worked at the same place they brought you with them

"I see everyone brought their kids here, very good, if you need a break you can let them at the daycare we have for today, at the end of the day we also have some treats for them" a man said, he then went over to each employee and got to meet the kids.

You were with your father and you were playing while he was working, your mother was watching you from her desk.

"how's everything going (f/n=father's name)?" the man asked your father

"everything's great, I have already a few people asking for that three story house you recently told me to take care of" your father said

"that's great to hear! And who's that little cutie?" the man asked

"that's mine and (m/n)=mother's name) daughter (y/n)" your father said as he picked you up

"congratulations! I didn't know you two had a daughter" the man said

"we adopted her, it's a long story" your mother said

"I have time, after all I'm here today to get to know you guys better and your kids" the man said

"well, two years ago we went on vacation to Egypt, on our fifth day there we found her in an abandoned alley, she was only a few hours old, while she was in the hospital we were visiting her and we got fond of her so we adopted her" your father said

"what about her real parents?" the man asked

"the police searched for them, but no one turned up so they let us adopted her, I just want to know what kind of monster let's their newborn baby out in the streets" your father said, this whole time you were looking at the man, you felt kinda connected to him.

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