What If Pt80

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What If dio was a woman (same goes to Jonathan... Also Jonathan had George and then died, just think of it like that, the rest stay the same genders, also you're twins with giorno).... That's all, but he was killing the men (go fem dio!)

After dio (I'll refer to dio as dio, imagine it as short for dionne, but I'll use she/her pronounce, it'll be weird but it's fine) was done having sex with a man she just killed him and carried on with her day.

Around a few months later she felt weird, she was confused and angry, she was supposed to not be sick after turning immortal.

"I'm just saying... What if you're pregnant my lady?" Enya said, dio though of it and decided to check it out.

"how should I know if I'm pregnant or not? I can't go to a doctor" dio said

"there's a new way, you pee on a stick and you have the answers in 3 minutes" Enya said and handed dio a pregnancy test and some instructions, dio left and di the pregnancy test.

After 3 minutes he looked a the result, Oh she was Pregananant!!! The lines were very dark.

"what does it mean?" dio asked as she handed the test to enya

"oh, you're pregnant my lady" Enya said

"just great" dio said sarcastically, it was going to be very hard for her.

By every passing month her belly got bigger and bigger and soon the time came, Enya was in charge of helping deliver the baby (she has done before? Maybe)

"sorry for looking at your privates my lady" Enya said

"oh please they're not mine, just get done with it!" dio yelled and Enya nodded.

The labor lasted very long but soon you were born.

"it's a healthy girl.... Wait a minute" Enya said and she looked back at Dio's... Privates.

"there's another head, I think you're having twins" Enya said

"for God's sake get it out too!" dio said

More hours passed and soon giorno was born, Enya confirmed it was the last one.

Dio was left alone with you and giorno to heal, thankfully she could heal.

"two babies at once, that's rare, it was a miracle back in the days" dio said

"I created two miracles" dio said proudly.

Dio decided to be a great mother to you and giorno, she didn't want to be hated by you and giorno.

One day when you and giorno were 2, dio had left you two to play while she was taking care of your new brother (oh yes I'll have all of them included), anyways, while playing a woman appeared out of nowhere, both you and giorno were confused but kept playing.

As giorno was going to eat a small piece from a toy, that woman stopped him

"it's very dangerous" the woman said

Both you and giorno starred at her for a while but then went back to playing, this continued, the same woman kept appearing out of nowhere....until one day dio found out of it and found out who it was that kept appearing.

"leave my kids alone and stop appearing around them" dio said

'I think I won't! You stole my body therefore they are my kids! They came out from MY WOMB!!' jojo wrote (or Joanna but I'll be calling Jonathan jojo)

Dio was too angry to respond so she just left... Because jojo was right, all of you came out from a different womb... Not hers, but why do you all have a characteristic of hers? She didn't care, you all were her kids.

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