What If Pt76

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76. What if you got to grow up with all four of your brothers?

So yeah, you were born, dio was taking great care of you and then boom..... Someone left a baby at his doorstep and it was his.

"I guess you have a brother" dio said, you and the baby looked at each other and you then began to play together

Jonathan on the other hand wasn't as chill as dio

"seriously? Another baby? I was okay when you had (y/n) but now you have another baby? I hope this is the last one" Jonathan said but of course dio couldn't listen to him

So now it was you, dio and giorno, dio had a rough time with two babies but as you both grew you gave him a time break.

"lord dio?" the young Darby said, he was... Nervous and confused?

"what is it?" dio asked as he let you and giorno play

"another baby was left at your doorstep" Darby said

"you got to be kidding me" dio said as he got up, he got to Darby and looked at the new baby, he checked for the birthmark and it was there, he saw a letter and read it.

"Alright, you may go now" dio told Darby as he got the baby.

"so.... Giorno, (y/n), I guess this is your little brother and his name is.... What was it again? Ah yes, Donatello... Weird name" dio said.... Meanwhile Jonathan was PISSED!!! another child?!? Dio already had two (now three) which it means that Jonathan now has 4 kids in total!!!

You and giorno looked at the baby weirdly but you got back to playing again.... And Dio went back to taking care a newborn... And now two one year olds.

The next year thankfully there was no new baby.

"papa! Baby up" giorno said as he pointed at Donatello

"I know giorno, Donatello is up and he wants to play, why don't you and (y/n) play with him while someone watches you three, I need to be somewhere" dio said

" 'Kay" giorno said, you and giorno began playing again and you also included Donatello

The three of you grew close like good siblings. Also Jonathan was happy to see you all grow close to each other but he was very mad at dio and he made it known to him.

Jonathan also made sure to spend as much time as he could with the three of you

"play with us" you told Jonathan

"I'm sorry but I can't" he said, you looked at him as if you were going to cry so he gave in

"alright, alright, I'll play with you guys" he said and you smiled.

If you guys don't know it yet, Jonathan has always been your favorite, yes dio is your father but you're closer with Jonathan since dio spends less time with you all compared to Jonathan.

The years passed and you and giorno were two energetic four year olds, meanwhile Donatello was a bit introverted and liked to read books with Jonathan

"you can't lift us all up!" you told dio

"oh really? You really think so?" he asked

"yes" you said

"alright, all three of you get in front of me and let's see if I can't lift you up" dio said and you three stood in front of him, he then opened his arms, bend down and closed them and picked you three up

"hahaha, he can lift us up" Donatello said

Suddenly there was a knock on the door

"why do I have a bad feeling about it?" Jonathan said. Dio let you all down and you all scattered around. You went to play with your toy car and drive it around, giorno went to draw and Donatello went to read with Jonathan.

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