What If Pt23

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23. OK, what if dio was alive when you got your first period? (age 12)

"I'm going to bed, goodnight" you said and then yawned.

"ok, goodnight and don't let the bed bugs bite" dio said, you looked at him weirdly

"I'm not 5 anymore papa, I'm grown now" you said.

"you're 12 (y/n), you're still young" he said and you rolled your eyes.

"whatever, goodnight" you said and then left.

Since dio didn't have to do anything he decided to sleep as well, so he let his book down and left to his room to sleep.

Around 10 hours later he smelled the faintest smell of blood, he sat up and looked confused.

"no one except me and (y/n) lives here now....." he said, he then got up and followed the smell, and he soon ended up in front of your door, he thought of the worst thing so he barged into your room.

You immediately sat up half asleep and looked around.

"you won't get my pickles, pickle thief" you said, dio came up to you to check on you

"what happened?" you asked

"I smell blood, and it's coming from you, are you alright? Did someone attack you?" he asked

"what? No, and I don't feel any open wound too" you said, dio stopped and started putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

"go in the bathroom and check any other place" he said, you got up and left confused.

You went in there and checked while checking you decided to use the toilet, but you almost passed out when you saw that you peed blood.

"papa?" you said.

"yeah? What is it?" he asked from outside.

"I think I'm peeing blood" you said.

And that's what dio had thought.... You started your period, what is he supposed to do!? He doesn't know much about periods because they didn't teach him much or he didn't care... Or something.

"papa, what should I do?" you asked

"uhm... Stay there I'll be back with something that will help you" he said and he left.

"wait.... I can't go out in the sun" he said and then he facepalmed.

"be thankful that I'm still here" he heard Jonathan say.

"I'll go and find any open store and see what I can buy" Jonathan said and he left.

While you and Dio waited, Jonathan found an open store and went in there and searched.... But he didn't know what to search so he went to ask for help.

"I'm sorry to bother you but may I ask something?" Jonathan asked

"sure, what can I help you with?" a woman around her 40's asked

"ok, so my daughter started her period and I don't know what products she needs, can you help me?" Jonathan asked.

"oh, of course! Follow me" she said and Jonathan followed her, she took him to an isle full of hygiene products and showed him what he needed, he took a bunch of pads just to be sure, he then thanked the employee there.

"oh, and one more thing, she might have cramps, which are a bit painful so make sure you have a heating pad, but if you don't have, put some rice in a sock and heat it for a bit, that'll help too, oh! And she might need some sweets too" the woman said and Jonathan nodded, he bought what he needed and left.

Dio was waiting patiently for Jonathan to come back, suddenly he heard running footsteps, he looked back and saw Jonathan.

"I got what she needs" Jonathan said.

"two bags of stuff?" dio asked.

"oh, the employee there told me what she'll need, so I took most of them, oh and a few snacks that she might crave" Jonathan said, dio facepalmed once more.

"give her the stuff and I'll get her a change of clothes" dio said and then went to get you some fresh clothes, he finally got them and got back, he gave them to you and left.

"if you feel pain in your lower belly come and tell me, I know something that will help" Jonathan said.

"as long as I know I'm her father" dio whispered

"I'm her father too" Jonathan whispered back

"yeah but she doesn't know that!" dio whispered again

"agh, whatever dio" Jonathan said and then he left, dio groaned and then waited for you to come out, when you did he started asking you questions.

"are you ok? Does it hurt? Are you still bleeding?" he asked

"I'm fine now" you said and he nodded.

"did your school teach you about it?" he asked and you shook your head

"and what are they doing? They should of taught you about it, kids your age need to know about stuff like that.... Follow me" he said and you followed him to the library, he searched for a book for a while but then he found it.

"alright, sit down, you're getting educated today" he said and you sat down, he began telling you how periods work and that they are normal, he said that they last for about 5 days or a week and you have them once a month.

"for how long will I have them?" you asked him

"uhm.... For most of your life" he said.

"that sucks!" you said.

"language" dio said and then continued, thankfully Jonathan stopped him and he didn't tell you how babies are made.... Yet.

"ok, now you know and we know with what we have to deal with" Jonathan said

"can I have my chocolate now?" you asked and he nodded, you then left.

"and my mother told me about it and I didn't believe her" dio said.

"what do you mean?" Jonathan asked.

"when my mother was still alive she told me that if I ever have kids especially a daughter I should take great care of her because when she'll turn into a woman she'll have to suffer in silence because society doesn't care" dio said

".... Who knew she was right, society really doesn't care" Jonathan said.

And for the rest of your period dio would try to make sure you were OK, when your period stopped you were relieved, but you knew when it'll start again the same thing will happen.

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