Cut Scenes Pt39

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39. You bake with Jonathan, Jotaro and Holly (age 5)

"im bored!" you said as you flopped on the floor dramatically

"you're such a drama queen" Jotaro said

"I'm bored, aren't you bored?" you asked him as you sat up

"I kinda am but there's nothing to do" he said

"I kinda want to eat something sweet" Jonathan said

"I know what we can do! We can bake something" holly said

"and make it a challenge" Jotaro said

"yes!" you said

"let's make teams then" holly said

"I pick (y/n)!" Jonathan said

"then I get Jotaro!" holly said happily

After making the teams you all went to the kitchen and put some aprons on and Holly gave three recipes after getting the ingredients out.

"alright, we have three recipes, the first recipe will be made by Jotaro and (y/n), the second will be made by me and Jonathan, and the third will be made by all of us" holly said

"the first recipe are cupcakes, and the time begins..... Now!" holly said, both you and Jotaro started making the cupcakes as quick as you could, but you were left behind because Jotaro was faster, but you knew he had a disadvantage because he was just weighing the ingredients with his eyes, when you were doing it like the recipe was saying.

When Jotaro was done you were putting the mixture into the cupcake molds.

"you're too slow" Jotaro said

"it doesn't matter if I'm slow, what matters is the taste" you said and then you both put the cupcakes in the oven.

You immediately run to the bowl and dipped your finger in it and licked the cupcake mixture

"(y/n) it has eggs in it, you might get salmonella" holly said

"but it's so good! Have you tried it?" you asked her

"yes, I was doing the same when I was younger, but raw eggs are dangerous" she said, you just shrugged and kept doing it, Jonathan joined in as well.

After the cupcakes were out of the oven you let them cool and it was now time for Holly and Jonathan to bake.

"second recipe are cookies, and the time begins... Now!" holly said and they both started getting their ingredients

"remember what I said!" you told Jonathan and he nodded

"bystanders cannot speak to the ones baking" Jotaro said and you shrugged

"put extra chocolate chips" you said

"don't worry I'll make them full of chocolate" Jonathan said

"don't overdo it too much or it'll be bad" you said and he gave you the thumbs up

After they were done Making the dough, they started putting them on baking sheets and then they put them in the oven

"let's decorate the cupcakes now" holly said, she then made some buttercream and you all took piping bags and started decorating them.

"I made a little cow" Jonathan said

"I made a puppy" you said

"let's make roses" Jonathan said and you agreed

"we're going to taste test them in the end" holly said and you all nodded. After you all were done decorating them you put them in the fridge to cool.

A while later the cookies were done and out of the oven.

"and last recipe is.... Brownies, and time begins now!" holly said

"I'll weigh the ingredients" you told Jonathan and he nodded. You took the ingredients and weight them as quickly as you could while trying to make it exactly as the recipe says and then you gave the ingredients to Jonathan to mix.

"they're going to lose" you whispered to Jonathan as you just looked at Jotaro just throwing ingredients in there without weighing them.

"you're right" he said

You two continued making the brownies unfazed by what was going on, you also decided to put salted caramel in there to make it even better, after you added that you popped it in the oven with the others and it was done

"let's clean up really quick first" holly said and you all started to clean the kitchen from the mess that was created.

"how do you guys think it'll come out?" holly asked

"they're going to lose" Jotaro said

"no! You'll lose!" you said Jotaro then slammed the sponge on the table

"say it again if you dare" he said

"you'll lose" you said

"that was it" Jotaro said and he started chasing you

"jotaro act like your age and stop chasing a 5 year old" Jonathan as he looked at Jotaro chasing you but it fell on deaf ears

"come on both of you, it's time to taste test!" holly said

You immediately got away from Jotaro and went to taste test what you made

"first are the cupcakes" holly said and she handed out cupcakes for everyone, you then all took a bite from the cupcakes Jotaro made...... You guessed it right, it wasn't the best.

"mmmm.... It's delicious" Jonathan said as he gave the thumbs up

"don't lie... Why is it so salty?" Jotaro asked

"maybe you thought that the salt was sugar" you told him

"makes sense" he said

"it's alright, you'll do better next time" holly said.

They then tried your cupcakes and they were surprised you made them amazing!

"pfff, I could do that as well" Jotaro said as he crossed his arms around his chest.

"don't be grumpy, here's a cupcake" you said as you handed him a cupcakke.

After the cupcakes you tried the cookies, to say the least both of them were amazing.

"both are amazing but I'll have to choose one.... Sorry but I'll choose Holly's" you told Jonathan

"it's okay, I honestly am going to choose Holly's as well" Jonathan said

And last but not least where the brownies, first you all tried the ones that you and Jonathan made.

"it's so good! And it has caramel in it. Amazing!" holly said, and you and Jonathan high fived. Then you ate the ones holly and Jotaro made.

"how do you mix two times salt for sugar?" you asked Jotaro

"shut up, they look the same" Jotaro said. You know the results, you and Jonathan won of course. It was a fun experience to say the least.

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