What If Pt42

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42. What if you were bored and decided to call someone to play but you accidentally brought the pillarmen? Only Wamuu and Esidisi, and it's only their spirits (age 5)

It was so boring today, even though the crusaders were over you were bored and didn't want to play with Polnareff again, so you went outside and called out your stand.

"ok, I need to learn how to control you, sometimes you're bringing people over when I'm sleeping and that's not good" you said and she nodded

"ok, let's bring someone nice and they'll play with us!" you said and she nodded, then two spirits appeared.

"we're alive again?" one of them asked.

"it appears it's our spirits master Esidisi" the other one said and they then looked at you

"oh, it's a human child" Esidisi said, you then run as fast as you could and went to he others.

"I need to find a way to control my stand!" you told them.

"what happened?" Joseph asked.

"I wanted to play with someone nice and she brought some half naked Men!" you said.

"half naked Men?..... Oh no, you really need to learn how to control her if I know who they are" Joseph said as he got up, he walked outside and you followed behind.

"... You really need to control your stand" Joseph told you.

"an old man?" Esidisi said.

"it's me... Joseph, Joseph joestar" Joseph said and they looked shocked.

"that means..." Wamuu started

"yes, I defeated kars, he achieved his goal but I send him in space, he's still out there" Joseph said.

"they were your enemies?" you asked Joseph

"yeah" Joseph said.

"why is my stand always bringing bad peoples spirits?" you asked and he shrugged

"you defeated kars?" Esidisi asked.

"yeah... But I lost something" Joseph said and he took his fake hand off and then put it back on

"sadly you didn't lose your life" Esidisi said.

"hey! I can make you disappear if I want to!!" you told him

"oh yeah? Are you sure about that you shrimp?" he asked, you then glared at him and made him disappear and then made him reappear.

"you believe me now?" you asked, Wamuu was shocked.

"(y/n) don't start a fight, Jonathan will be mad" Joseph said and you nodded

"this child... Made master Esidisi disappear?" Wamuu asked.

"yeah, it's a part of her power" Joseph said

"power?" Esidisi asked.

"yes, we won't tell you what it is, but it's powerful" you said and you then high fived with Joseph

"who the hell are these strippers?" Jotaro asked.

"past enemies, they're dead" Joseph said.

"you should really try to control your stand" Jotaro told you

"what powers did you have?" you asked them, Esidisi was first and let's just say...

"that's weird" you said and he started crying

"I can create strong winds" Wamuu said.

"can these winds lift me up?" you asked, so he did it, you had fun, then he let you down and Jonathan run up to you.

"did he hurt you? Are you alright?" he asked.

"yeah, I'm fine, it was so fun!" you said

"they are bad people" he whispered

"oh yeah, right" you whispered back

"we can still hear you two" Wamuu said

You both looked at him with squinted eyes and then began to mouth words to each other

"what are they doing?" Esidisi asked

"typical father daughter stuff.... She doesn't know he's her father" Joseph whispered.

"why aren't you telling her?" Wamuu asked.

"well... It's a long story" Joseph said.

"why are you being friendly with your enemies?" Jotaro asked Joseph

"well, they are dead now and I don't think it's needed for us to fight now, we should stay civil" Joseph said.

"so what happened?" Esidisi asked and Joseph started whispering the whole story.

"so the vampire was her father... The one that stole that man's body, he had her.... And she has two biological fathers, but she doesn't know that man is her father, and she's also your aunt? And she's only 5? And all of that happened because of a vampire?" Esidisi whispered

"yes, weird isn't it?" Joseph asked

"..... Maybe making stone masks wasn't good" Esidisi said and that grabbed Jonathan's attention.

"you made the stone masks?" Jonathan asked.

"not me, it was lord kars, he made them in order to achieve his goal" Esidisi said.

"do you know how much pain this mask has brought me? Why am I even asking, you don't care! My mother died because of the mask, my father died because of the mask, people I cared died because of it! And what for?! Because your selfish lord wanted to go out in the sun? Because he wanted to be stronger!?" Jonathan was mad

"don't talk about lord kars like that" Wamuu said.

"he deserves to be treated like that! I'm not afraid of you, I know I'm dead but even if I was alive I would not be afraid of you, I fought two strong warriors and then I faced my brother and I was only a beginner with hamon! Your 'lord' was the reason I'm now dead!!" Jonathan yelled, everyone was stunned, you then pulled out your stand and tried to make them disappear, but you couldn't.

"be careful how you talk human!!!" Esidisi yelled.

"you should of known better, you should of held your lord back!" Jonathan yelled, you tried to make them disappear, as Esidisi was about to jump on Jonathan you made them disappear.

"i-I'm sorry" you said as you started to panic.

"I didn't want to bring back bad memories, I promise to not use my stand again" you said as you started to shake

"it's alright.... Just make sure to not call them again" Jonathan said and you nodded.

"I'm sorry" you said as you looked down

"it's fine, you made them disappear, now they're gone" Jonathan said as he came up to you and hugged you

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