What If Pt8

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8. What if you died because of your stand? (age 4) |ANGST!!!!|

Since the day you were born dio has been taking care of you and treating you like a princess, he was determined to be a better father than the one he had.

He would always spent time with you, play with you etc.

One day though you fell ill, he didn't really know why you fell ill, when you fell ill you were 3, almost 4.

He would get people and try to find some cure but nothing happened, a few days after you fell ill the crusaders started their trip towards Egypt so they could defeat dio.

"papa I'm cold" you said as you tried to warm yourself with the blankets you had.

"it's ok, I'll warm you up" he said as he got you in his arms and held you close.

"for how long am I gonna be sick?" you asked him.

"not for too long, you'll be fine any time soon" he said as he caressed your head.

He had to find what was happening to you and why you weren't getting any better, he also had to take care of the crusaders.

He later on found out that your stand was causing it, he asked Enya if there was anything that he would do to make you feel better and probably stop everything but Enya told him the bad news.

"lord dio.... When this happens to someone there's no way of getting away from it.... One can die because of it" she said, this was what dio was afraid of.

"so there's no way of helping her?" dio asked and Enya nodded, dio stayed quiet and then left, he went to his room and started destroying everything.

He was going to lose you? And because of what? Because of your stand? And because of him but he didn't know it

After that day he told his minions to take care of the crusaders while he was spending more time with you.

You two would play, do stuff together, take a few photos so he could make a photo album about you.... To remember you, he would also write about you in his diary.

Just a day before the crusaders arrived to his house for the final battle, you took your last breath.

It was night time, dio was by your side as always and he felt that it was gonna be the last time you'll speak to him, look at him and hug him again, he had ordered any remaining followers that he had to leave for the night.

He held you close as he knew that you were slowly dying, you had trouble breathing and your heart was slowing down.

"papa?" you said quietly

"yes princess?" he said

"can you sleep here tonight? It's too cold and I'm afraid of being alone" you said as you snuggled closer.

"I will, don't worry" he said

"can you sing me something?" you asked and he hummed and started singing, midway through the song he stopped and hugged you closer.

"rest well my princess" he said as he kissed your forehand... You're now dead.

After the sun rised, he wrote to his diary your last moments, he told Terence to bury you in the backyard.

Dio looked out the window as Terence was covering you with dirt.

He went up to his room and for the first time in years he cried, and they were tears of pain and grief, he wrote how he felt and then started getting ready to face the crusaders.

He thought that he would win but he didn't, at least he was glad that he'll see you again in the afterlife.

After the fight the crusaders went back to the mansion to find something, anything that would help them with something.

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