What If Pt30

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30.what if you got kidnapped and were found by the crusaders? (age 4)

There was a certain stand user that didn't like you, why? Because you took all of Dio's attention, he was very jealous of that fact. So one day he requested to take you out for your daily walk in the daylight.

"alright, but be careful with her" dio said and the stand user nodded, after you got ready you and the stand user left. Phase one of his plan was complete.

A few minutes after you two left and you noticed that you were going somewhere you didn't know, you went to ask but something knocked you out.

"finally... Now I need to take care of her and dissappear" he said...... But nothing went as he wanted, he put you in a helicopter and then watched it leave, he was going to leave with another helicopter but he got knocked out.

When he woke up he was met with an angry dio

"where's my daughter?" dio asked.

"......" the stand user didn't talk.


"I got rid of her" the stand user said.

"why?" dio asked.

"why? Because all you care is about her, what about us!?" the stand user asked.

"she's my daughter!!! It's only natural for me to care about her!! She's my own flesh and blood!!" dio yelled.

"now tell me... Where is she?" dio asked.

"I told the pilot to get her somewhere far away.... So I don't know where she is" the stand user said

"you're dead.... What you did was something that you should of known better to not do.... You're dead, but before that you'll get a taste of what happens when someone wants to harm my child" dio said.... Now the stand user kinda regrets everything.

Days passed and you didn't know where you were, when you woke up you were somewhere deserted.

While you walked you bumped into someone

"watch were you're going kid" a silver haired man said.

"sorry" you said and you went to leave but the older man of the group stopped you.

"hey kid, where are your parents?" he asked.

"I don't have a mom, and I don't know where I am, someone took me away from my papa" you said as you looked down

"oh.... We can help you find your way back home, is it somewhere close to Cairo?" he asked.

"it is in Cairo" you said and he nodded.

"then it'll be easy, because we're going there" he said.

"are we really going to take her with us? It's dangerous" the first man said

"it's going to be fine, let's go to our hotel now" Joseph said

Dio did everything he could to find you but as far as he knew... He couldn't track you down.

"are you comfortable with one of us giving you a bath?" Joseph asked and you nodded, you didn't know why but you were very comfortable with them, especially Joseph and Jotaro.

"in that case I can give you a bath, I have a daughter and a grandson so I know what I'm doing" he said and you agreed, he let the water run and put much soap so it would make many bubbles and then he let you undress on your own and told you to call him when you'll be in the bathtub, so when you got in the bathtub you called him.

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