What If Pt82

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What If dio was a horrible HORRIBLE father? Like he turned like his father? Except the alcohol?TW//ABUSE(?)

When dio found out that one of the women he held captive was pregnant he was furious, he didn't spare any chance to berate her and shame her.... Like bitch? This was your doing not hers! Anyways, but when you were born it got worse. Dio had some hope that after you were born he would kick you and your mother out... But your mother died so yeah, he didn't get rid of you, on top of that you looked a lot like Jonathan so he HATED you.

"I just wish you both died" dio said as he looked at you.

While growing up you were extremely neglected, if it weren't for Jonathan being there you would of died the first week you were alive, no one knew how you made it alive but they were not glad that you lived.

Until the age of 3 you were only verbally abused by dio, but after one incident he began physically abusing you, like slapping you and hitting you. Let's get to that incident.

When you were finally conscious of your actions you wanted to do stuff that would make dio love and appreciate you, so you started learning how to read and write. And also when people were not around and it was only you and Jonathan you two would make breakfast, so that day you decided to make breakfast for dio because it was Father's day, when you were done you were satisfied with the outcome, you took the tray of food and went to find dio. When you did find him in the library you got in front of him and smiled

"happy fathers day papa" you said as you held out the tray of food, dio was disgusted and just slapped away the tray of food and it fell on the floor

"why would I be happy on this day? Why would I be happy being your father? Even saying that makes me want to vomit! Answer me why would I be happy?!?" dio yelled, you just looked down and went to pick up the broken glass but he pulled you up and made you look at him.

"you're like a curse to me! I try to get rid of you but I can't! I don't love you! I never will!! You're just a useless thing to me!!" he said and the slapped you, you fell down and landed right on the broken glasses, after that dio left and you stayed there crying. After a while you picked up the bloody broken glasses and food, put them on a tray and went to throw them away, after that you went to take care of your wounds. You made sure to hide them from Jonathan.

From that day on dio vowed to make you regret your existence, whenever he saw you he would hit you and tell you horrible things, you tried to avoid him but he always found you. Towards the last days of his life he would hit you every day, you even tried to lock yourself in your room but he always found a way in to abuse you, he once broke wood on your back, the same wood he used to hit you that day everywhere. The first days of the physical abuse you would cry for help but no one came to help you, so you quickly learned to endure it silently.

The day he was going to die he came into your room and he beat you worse than ever, he decided to show no mercy, that day was the first day he had also burned you, and he also managed to break your hand and some ribs.

"i hope you'll finally die, you useless thing" dio said and then he left your room and locked it behind so you could finally die with all the injuries he caused. Now you might ask, where was Jonathan all this time? Well he was helping his descendants and didn't have time to visit you, he left when the abuse was not that bad so he doesn't know that dio was abusing you physically as well.

You were too weak right now and you tried to unlock the door but nothing happened, you went over the window and you saw that the fall wasn't that bad, so you decided to finally leave, you climbed down and you then left as fast as you could to find help, but midway there you collapsed on the floor and blacked out, you thought that you were going to die... But thankfully you won't! Because you're in this world to show dio that he'll never get rid of you! Someone found you and got you to a hospital.

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