What If Pt77

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77. What if the crusaders were mean to you and you run away?

Where was your father? That's what you wondered as you heard the hushed yelling, the people that you were going to stay with didn't like you... At least one of them liked you and that's holly.

"I'm going grocery shopping, I'll be back soon" holly said and she left, as soon as she left you felt scared, let's explain why.

The day your father left for business those people appeared and took you in, but why would they take you in if they hate you? That's easy to answer, so they could daily bully you and tell you all those horrible things, you wished you had someone to talk to but that wouldn't happen.

Whenever Holly is around they act nice, but whenever she's not they let their true selves come out. As soon as Holly left they glared at you. This has happened since you got there 2 years ago.

"I'm going to my room" you said as you got up

"sit down" Jotaro said, you froze because of the tone of his voice

"I said sit down!" he now yelled and you sat down and looked down

"we're going to be straight forward, your father is dead, if it wasn't for Holly we could of told you the day he died" Joseph said, you were shocked and sad.

"oh, and one more thing, we were the ones who killed him because he was a piece of shit and a monster" Jotaro said

"no... That's not true" you said

"it is, I was the one who killed him, and I would mind if I did the same to you, for all we know you will turn the same as him" Jotaro continued

"why? WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?!? I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU!!!!" you yelled as you cried

"Oh shut up with your whining" Joseph said

"why are you treating me like that?!? What If someone treated your daughter the same way like you're treating me?!?!??" you yelled at Joseph, he got pissed by that and he slapped you.... With his prosthetic hand so it hurt like a bitch, you fell down and touched the place where he had slapped you.

"do not even mention my daughter! MY DAUGHTER IS NOT A MONSTER LIKE YOU OR YOUR FATHER!!!" Joseph yelled

"YOU'RE THE MONSTER!!! AN OLD PIECE OF SHIT THAT NEEDS TO FINALLY DIE BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO OLD TO BE ON THIS PLANET!!! I HATE YOU ALL!!" you yelled and left the room, you went to your room and took some stuff and left, you left while they were present so they didn't care at all.

After Holly returned she saw the others in the living room.

"where's (y/n)? I have a present for her, I'm sure she'll love it" holly said

"she was a bit tired so she went to sleep" Joseph said

"that's okay, I'll give it to her tomorrow" holly said

While she thought you were sleeping, you had found your way to a ship, you managed to get in one suitcase and hid there for a while until you fell asleep.

The next day when Holly came to wake you up and didn't see you there she panicked, she woke the others up and they pretend to be panicked as well, they told Holly to stay back and they'll search for you, when they left the house they went to sit at a Cafe and chat there.

Back to you! When you woke up you were at a police station

"oh you're awake that's great" a police officer said

"where am I?" you asked

"you're in London, can you tell us how you manage to get yourself in a suitcase?" the police officer asked

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