What If Pt52

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52. What if you looked exactly like Jonathan and acted like him... I mean imagine how bad that would of been for dio, it would be torture🤣

Dio waited outside a room, your mother was giving birth to you

"how longer do I have to wait?" dio said to himself, after a long time you were born, then the midwife came out.

"it's a healthy baby girl, sadly the mother passed away" she said

"I want to see the baby" he said and the midwife motioned for him to follow her, they got in the room and he saw that they had already covered your mother with a sheet

"here she is" the midwife said and she hand you to dio, he looked down at you and saw that your hair color was not like his or your mother's, he was going to doubt that you were his child but the birthmark said otherwise, you moved around a bit and opened your eyes, your eyes wasn't like his or your mother's, it was blue.... He knew exactly from where you got it from

For days some of the loyal followers that dio had were wondering where you got your looks from, one of them was brave enough to ask

"sorry to interrupt lord dio but may I ask something?" Enya asked.

"you're gonna ask where (y/n) got her looks from aren't you?" he asked and Enya hesitantly nodded.

"well, the former owner of the body I use had these looks.... Looks like the joestar blood is stronger than my vampiric blood" dio said

"aren't you angry that she got everything from the former owner of your body?" she asked

"well I was expecting it but I didn't expect her to be a spiting image of him, I'm not angry though, she's my child so I'll take care of her... Even if she looks like my old enemy" he said

One day you were playing in the room dio had especially made for you himself, you were playing with your dolls and he was just looking at you while sitting besides you, at some point you looked at him and then offered one of your dolls.

"maybe I should let your hair grow... I don't like the fact that you look exactly like him" he said as he caressed your hair, you were confused but you just smiled at him.

"I'll play with you" he said and he smiled a bit, the two of you began to play, you would occasionally giggle and let me tell you, he loved your giggles, it just made him feel something he never felt before... It was probably a warmth in his heart.

He also did as he promised, he let your hair grow, he also learned a few hairstyles, like ponytails, pigtails, braids etc

"papa can we get a puppy?" you asked him one day

"I'm afraid we can't" he said

"why?" you asked

"because I don't like dogs" he said

"how can you not like dogs? They are loyal, friendly, they can even save you!" you said and he sighed

"they also need to be trained, taken care of and lots of other stuff, maybe when you get older I'll get you one" he said and you cheered, of course he wasn't going to get you one

One night you were eating and he was observing you, you were eating fast, one memory came into his head.

"that stupid jojo" he mumbled

"what was that?" you asked with a half full mouth of food.

"nothing, continue to eat but a little slower, you might choke if you eat this fast" he said and you nodded

'maybe she's here so she can remind me of him.... What a torture' he thought, there were more occasions where you reminded him of Jonathan.

One night you were sleeping peacefully when you heard noises, earlier that night dio was sitting in his room reading a book when the crusaders broke in.

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