What If Pt13

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13. What if a stand user turned you into a child? (not alessis) (age 13 and went to 4)

It was a normal day in morioh... Who am I kidding, can morioh have a normal day? No.

You, Josuke and okuyasu are currently running away from a stand user.

"alright, the stand user is after you so why did you get me in this mess!?" you asked them

"you're powerful and we are kind of scared of the stand user" okuyasu said.

"you weren't scared when you killed Kira, whatever, run as fast as you can and I'll take care of him" you said and they nodded

'so, from what they told me his stand is useless so I guess it'll be easy' you thought, they then run as fast as they could and you pulled your stand out and turned to the stand user, the stand user seemed like he knew you were going to do that so he threw something at you and you Go engulfed in smoke, when the smoke cleared you were shorter.

"what? But he told me it would kill you!??" the guy said.

"well, looks like it won't! It just turned me into... A child again" you said, he then suddenly run off and you tried to follow him but your legs were too short so you couldn't catch him.

"I need to find Josuke" you said and then went towards the way they run off, you run for a while and soon you saw them hiding behind the bushes.

"why are you hiding here?" you asked them and they looked at you

"kiddo go away, it's dangerous" Josuke said

"no shit Sherlock! It's me (y/n)! He turned me into a child while he thought he was gonna kill me!" you said and they were shocked.

"awwww!! You're so cute!!" both of them said

"shut it! You better take those long legs of yours and take me to the hotel! We need to speak with Jotaro!" you said and he nodded and then picked you up and run off to the hotel.

When you got there Jotaro was already at the front desk.

"Jotaro-San!!!" both Josuke and okuyasu yelled and Jotaro turned to them

"what happened?" Jotaro asked as Josuke stopped in front of him

"someone turned (y/n) into a child!!" Josuke said as he held you up

"another stand user with a power like that?" Jotaro asked

"another?" Josuke asked and he accidentally dropped you, you groaned and went to climb on Jotaro.

"the person who turned me into a child again wasn't the one that we were about to face, he threw something on me thinking that he was going to kill me but he was surprised that I turned into a child as well" you said as you climped on Jotaro's back

"why are you doing this?" he asked you.

"to remember the good old days" you said

"you sound like a grandma" Jotaro said and you angrily puffed your cheeks.

"so cute!!" both Josuke and okuyasu said.

"now Josuke reminds me of Joseph a lot" you said and Jotaro shook his head.

"what is going on here?" you all head Jonathan ask.

"dad! Someone turned me into a child again!" you said as he picked you up.

"aww you're cute again, I missed how you looked like" he said as he hugged you.

"oh? So I wasn't cute as I got older?" you asked.

"well, from cute you went to a pretty young lady" he said.

"you saved it" you said and he sighed

"alright, stay here with Jonathan and we'll be back with the stand user so he can bring you back" Jotaro said and you nodded

As they went to leave someone appeared out of nowhere and threw the same thing they threw to you to Jonathan, you fell down and when the smoke cleared you were all shocked.

"w-what!? I'm again 12!?" Jonathan asked

"yare yare, go in your hotel room and get locked in there, make sure to stay safe, we'll go after him" Jotaro said and they run off.

"let's go (y/n)" Jonathan said as he grabbed your hand and you both walked towards the hotel room, occasionally people would say that you two were cute siblings taking care of each other... Wait until they found out he's your father!

You two got in the room and checked the room and then locked everything.

"this is how you looked like when you were 12?" you asked him and he nodded.

"I never thought I would experience something like that, it's weird" he said

"it's going be to boring here" you said with a sigh.

The two of you sat there doing nothing, maybe you watched TV but it was still boring, a few hours later Josuke got in the room.

"unfortunately we can't do anything, we found both stand users and they said that it'll wear off on its own" he said and you groaned.

"it's fine, we'll have to wait" Jonathan said

Later that day you all went to eat somewhere, it was you, Jotaro, Josuke and Jonathan.

"excuse me?" you all heard an elderly woman say.

"what?" Jotaro said.

"I just wanted to say that your kids are adorable, how old are they" she said as she was referring to you and Jonathan, Josuke wanted to laugh so hard.

"they're not my kids" Jotaro said.

"oh, I'm sorry, but they are very adorable" she said... Oh baby it was your time to shine!!

"dad? Why are you saying we're not your kids? Is it because mommy cheated on you with our uncle?" you said, Josuke immediately slapped his hand on his mouth so he wouldn't laugh, Jonathan just sat there trying to think of a way to stop you.

"what?" he asked.

"or is it because she cheated with your friend? But we took a paternity test and we are your Children , so why do you hate us and say we're not your kids?" you asked

"oh... I think it's time for me to go" the woman said and you turned to her.

"oh it's fine, I think mommy and dad are even because one day I caught him doing the nasty with mommy's sister" you said with a smile, the woman looked at you and left, when she was far enough Josuke started laughing and wheezing.

"why did you do that?" Jotaro asked you with a threatening tone.

"I was bored and she needed to go away" you said, at this point Josuke was almost dead

"just wait until you get back to normal... I'll beat your ass" he said

"come on! Have fun for once!" you said and he scoffed.... Jonathan just stood there again, trying to comprehend everything

When you went back to your hotel room you fell asleep with no trouble.

When you woke up you realized that you are back to your original height and form.

"finally!" you said, then the door opened and it was Jotaro and he glared at you.

"you want to beat my ass right?" you asked and he nodded.

"welp!.... I gotta go!!" you said as you run past him and he followed you, let's say that he didn't beat you after all.

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