What If Pt67

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67. What if you were born deaf?

Dio looked at you as you slept, since you were born there was something off about you.

Dio picked up a nearby chair and then looked at you, he sighed and threw the chair on the ground, it almost broke but what surprised him was that you didn't wake up.

"what's wrong with her?" he asked himself and then thought for some time

"Mariah! Get over here!" dio said and soon after Mariah entered the room

"what happened my lord?" Mariah asked

"I want you to take (y/n) to the hospital.... I have a feeling that there must be something wrong with her hearing, if they ask who you are just say that you are her mother" dio said and Mariah nodded, she then took you and some stuff that you might need and made her way to the hospital. When she got there she waited for a bit until they called her in

"so what may be the problem?" the doctor asked

"well recently me and my husband had this feeling that our daughter might have some problems with her hearing" Mariah said

"I see, please lay her on the bed right there and I'm going to check on her" the doctor said and Mariah nodded and layed you on the bed.

Both dio and Mariah thought that it would be quick but they were proven wrong, you and Mariah where there for hours and they run many tests on you.

"so what's the problem?" she asked

"it seems like your daughter is deaf and she won't be able to hear anything in her life" the doctor said, Mariah was shocked.

When she got back to the mansion dio was waiting for you two.

"what took you so long?" he asked her as he took you in his arms

"they had to runs some tests on her" Mariah said

"so? What's wrong with her?" dio asked

"she's deaf.... And the doctor said she might not be able to get her hearing back if you try to get her some medical treatment" Mariah said

"deaf? That's why she never responded to loud sounds... It makes sense now" dio said as he looked at you, you just slept peacefully in his arms.

From that day on there were a few difficulties, dio had to learn how to raise a deaf child.

When you were at the right age he taught you sign language, he was practicing for years, while learning your friend was there too to learn as well, he was very surprised that dio was actually helping you with stuff and loving you a lot.... You know why he was surprised, dio was not the person who was nice to others.

One day, it was when you were 6 years old, you were coming home from school, the crusaders where stalking dio and you, when they found out you existed they decided to stay low.

So they were stalking you to see if you were like dio, what surprised them was that you didn't know that they were following you.

"let's grab her attention and see what she'll do" Polnareff said and they agreed, they walked closer to you, they tried to grab your attention by talking to you but it seemed like you ignored them when in reality you didn't.

You were walking peacefully when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around and looked at the men behind you, they kinda scared you, they seemed to talk to you. You just grabbed your notebook and pen and wrote something down and showed it to them

'sorry I'm deaf and I can't hear what you're saying' you wrote, they were surprised, Joseph pointed at your notebook and pen and then pointed at himself, you understood that he wanted to write something so you gave it to him. He started writing something and then gave it to you.

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