What If Pt46

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46. What if you got kidnapped by some of Dio's followers and they tried to turn you against the joestars? (age 7)

"don't go far away! Okay?" Jonathan said and you nodded and went to the swings to play with some other kids.

He sat at a bench and looked at you, he smiled as he saw you playing, but then something fell and covered his face, he got it off and looked around him and saw no one he then looked at you and you were gone.

He immediately got up and went over to where you previously were, the only thing he saw was your right shoe

"excuse me did you see a little girl around your age? Blue hair, red eyes, with a purple dress?" Jonathan asked a nearby kid.

"yeah, a guy quickly took her and went that way" the kid said, Jonathan thanked them and run towards the way the kid pointed at, he looked around but saw no one, he then went over a phone and called at the house.

"hello?" holly asked.

"Holly hear me out very carefully!" Jonathan said and she hummed.

"someone kidnapped (y/n)!" Jonathan said, he then heard a thud.

"Holly? Holly!?" Jonathan said.

"what did you tell to mom and she fainted?" Jotaro asked.

"someone kidnapped (y/n)!" Jonathan said, Jotaro was silent for a bit.

"old man get your ass up, everyone get up, someone kidnapped (y/n)!" Jotaro said.

"did you see who it was?" Jotaro asked Jonathan

"n-no, something fell on my face and when I took it out she was gone" Jonathan said.

"a perfectly planned kidnap.... There's not other explanation... Probably one of Dio's followers kidnapped her, think of it, why did they target you? Why did they came with this plan and kidnapped only (y/n)?" Jotaro said.

"I don't know and I don't care, I just want to find (y/n) and bring her back" Jonathan said.

"can't you sense her?" Jotaro asked.

"no, for some reason I can't!" Jonathan said.

"okay, you're at the park right?" Jotaro asked and Jonathan said yes.

"we're coming over right now" Jotaro said and he hung up.

Meanwhile you were knocked out in a van and someone drove it, they looked at you and grinned at each other.

"now that we got her we're going to turn her against the joestars for good, and she'll join us so we can destroy them for lord Dio's sake" one of them said and the rest agreed.

They soon stopped at a house in an abandoned neighborhood, they got you and they entered the house, they took you to the basement and tied you and left you there until you woke up.

The others though were trying their best to find you but they had no luck so they got back home, they all got in the living room and immediately the mood changed.

"oh no... You didn't find her?" holly asked.

"... Don't worry, I'm sure she'll soon be back here, in this place with her family" marina said as she held jolyne in her arms, Jonathan just looked down and left.

"I can't imagine his pain" avdol said.

Jonathan got in your room and immediately broke down, he fell on his knees and started to cry, he can't let you go like that, he needs to find you.

Right now you woke up and tried to move but soon you realized you were tied, you struggled a bit but you sat up and looked around, soon the door opened and it revealed someone, you weren't that familiar with him but you know he was working for dio.

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