What If Pt47

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47. What if you grew up with giorno, but his mom wasn't your mom?

The two women managed to escape and leave Egypt, your mother and giorno's mom were friends.

And when they found out they were pregnant they told each other, apparently you and her baby were going to be siblings but with different mothers.

"I have some bad news" your mother told giorno's mom.

"what is it?" she asked.

"the doctor told me there are high chances that me and the baby might not make it, and I'm already late for an abortion, he said it was probably caused from something during my first weeks of the pregnancy.... Probably because of him" your mother said

"relax, there might of been a mistake" she said

"I hope so as well... But if anything happens to me and the baby survives, iw ant you to take her in, I trust you the most" your mother said

So the day arrived.... Well it was very early, and sadly your mother died. Giorno's mother didn't want to take you in but she had too.

And 12 days later giorno was born, from the first day he was brought home you were stuck to him.

But unfortunately you two didn't have the best childhood, but at least you had each other.

"how was mama like?" you asked giorno's mom

"she was always anxious, nice but also kinda annoying" she said as she was getting ready to leave again.

"you're leaving again aunty?" you asked her.

"well, yeah, and you're responsible of taking care of giorno and yourself for as long I'll be away, ok?" she asked.

"yes!" you said

"make sure to get to bed early too" she said.

"okay!" you said, after a while she left.

"mom left again?" giorno asked.

"yeah... But don't worry, I'm here!" you said and he smiled.

About a year later she got married to an Italian man.

"are they both your kids?" he asked her.

"oh, no, only haruno is my son, (y/n) is a friend's daughter, she passed away while giving birth, but I took her in. Those two are actually siblings from the same father" she said

"oh, like twins then" he said and she nodded.

You guys thought he was nice, but then the abuse started, it started with verbal abuse and then it got physical really quick, he also threatened you two to not tell giorno's mother, but you couldn't let him go like that.

"aunty can I tell you something?" you asked her.

"be quick I need to go to work" she said.

"your husband is hitting me and giorno and he threatened us to not tell you" you said.

"you're delusional, he's a nice man, he would never do that, he loves you both, and don't accuse him of such a thing again" she said and then left.

The next day he found out and he gave you a beating, but you didn't let him get what he wanted, you hit him too, when he also tried to hit giorno you just punched him in the nuts and you took giorno and run in your room and locked the door.

"open the door you little shits!" he yelled as he banged on the door

"you'll regret you bitch!!" he yelled again.

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