What If Pt72

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72. What if the timeline got messed up and the Pt1 characters got to when Pt3 happened? (you're a baby)

One of the people that worked for dio heard the doorbell ring, so they went there and opened the door

"how may I help you all?" the woman asked

"we know dio stays here, we want to talk to him" speedwagon said

"so what they said was true, something really happened to the timeline, such a shame I have to see your ugly faces again" dio said as he came out from the shadows, the others got into fighting position while the rest stayed behind

"no need for that, I'm not in the mood to fight, you wanted to talk, so let's talk" dio said. They all went to sit down and talk

"what have you done to people and they became zombies?" Mr. Zeppeli asked

"ah, I now know what is going, you all remember what happened before you died... Or maybe not" dio said

"what do you mean?" Jonathan asked

"the fight between us is over, it has been over for a century now, you lost and I won" dio said

"how? You didn't have a body!" Jonathan yelled

"I know.... I stole yours when you died" dio said, this angered Jonathan a lot

"I raised you like my son and you just betrayed us, shame on you dio" George said

"I regret nothing" dio said.

"you little-" speedwagon begun to say but a knock interrupted him

"come in" dio said.

"sorry to interrupt..... We're just having a little trouble with (y/n)" the woman said.

"dio... Are you holding someone captive and you're torturing them?" Jonathan asked and he was clearly disgusted by Dio's actions, dio couldn't help but laughed.

"bring her here" dio said, the woman nodded and left

"just wait and you'll see, after that I'll tell you who she is" dio said, he was amused to see them freak out and think that he's holding someone captive.... Which he did but he wasn't holding you captive. After a while the woman came back and she was holding you, the others thought of the worst, was dio holding you captive? Was he going to eat you? Abuse you? Kill you? No, he just took you in his arms and you immediately smiled.

"you see this?" dio asked as he pointed at you

"I made this, but unfortunately she's half yours as well" dio said as he looked at dio.

".... what?" Jonathan asked

"you've always been slow, do you know about the birds and the bees? The stork that brings the baby? When a woman and a man connects? Reproduction? I made her, but you clearly see that she has some of your features unfortunately" dio said as he played with your hair

".....We couldn't believe that you could be nice like that, I mean you're a monster but you kept a baby and you're raising it?" speedwagon asked, dio just shrugged and let you down

"crawl away now" dio said and you giggled and crawled away

"isn't it dangerous for her to crawl around like that?" Jonathan asked

"everything is babyproof" dio said

"you made sure everything is safe for her... At least you're a good father" Mr. Zeppeli said

You just kept crawling while the others looked at you, you then sat down and opened a drawer and looked inside, you found a pen and some paper, you took it out and started making lines or you hit the pen on the floor.

"shouldn't you take that away from her? It's dangerous" George said

"it's fine" dio said

You took the pen and paper and just crawled up to everyone and handed it to the first one.

"you want me to write in it?" speedwagon and you nodded with a smile

"well... I can't resist that smile" speedwagon said and signed the paper and made a little drawing and gave you the paper, you took it with a smile and went to the next person

"don't make friends with the enemy" dio told you but you ignored him. You went to everyone and they signed it or drew on it, after that you took the paper and pen and you put the pen in the drawer again.

"aren't I going to sign as well?" dio asked and you looked at him and smiled and then shook your head, the others had to hold their laugh in

"whatever, I sign something everyday" dio said.

You then crawled away form the drawer and you put the paper in a vase while the others weren't looking, after that you went to a box that had some toys and you took some out to play. You ended up taking a car and you were just pushing it around while crawling very fast.

"so did we say what you wanted to talk about?" dio asked

"how could you do this to us? We gave you all you wanted, I considered you my son and you did all that?" George asked

"what can I say, I was already like that, and after I found out what the stone mask could do.... Well, I wanted to be a creature of the night, I wanted immortality" dio said, speedwagon was angry and went to get up but Jonathan stopped him

"okay, you got immortality, but there's a curse to that" Jonathan said

"what are you implying?" dio asked

"you'll have to watch (y/n) grow up and eventually die while you'll remain the same, young forever. And if she grows up to have kids in the future you'll see them die as well while you'll still remain young forever" Jonathan said, dio thought of it for a second but then snapped out of it and glared at Jonathan

"you wanted to be immortal... You are immortal and there's no cure to that, you'll have to deal with seeing your child dying of old age while you'll be still alive forever" Jonathan continued

"don't ever say that!" dio yelled

"but it's the truth" Jonathan said, dio got angry and grabbed Jonathan from the collar of his shirt glared at him

"I killed you once and I'll do it again if you don't shut up!" dio yelled

"stop this nonsense dio! You're scaring your own daughter" speedwagon said, dio looked over and saw that you were almost on the verge of tears. Dio let Jonathan go and started to walk over to you but you just quickly crawled away.

"great, now she's scared of me... Are you happy?!?" dio yelled at Jonathan

"I didn't do anything!! You were the one who yelled and yanked me off my seat and also threatened my life!! You should of controlled your anger in front of her!" Jonathan exclaimed loudly, dio gritted his teeth and then just disappeared, the others were surprised but their top priorities was to stop you from being upset.

George picked you up and then sat down on the couch with you.

"it's alright now, you don't need to be scared of him, we all know he could never dare to hurt you" George said as he caressed your head

"she may be the only person dio has ever cared about in his life" Jonathan said as he looked at you

Some minutes passed and Dio didn't come back so you got worried, you got off the couch with George's help and just crawled away while mumbling 'papa'.

You tried to find where dio was and you found him in the library

"papa!" you said as you crawled towards him faster, you stopped in front of him and held your hands up, dio looked at you and smiled and picked you up

"I thought I scared you... I'm sorry" he said as he hugged you. He didn't care if the others saw him hugging you, he'll deal with them later.

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