Cut Scenes Pt18

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18. You visit your old house (age 19, also let's pretend that Jotaro never lit the house on fire)

"hey dad?" you said and Jonathan looked at you.

"yeah, what is it?" he asked.

"do you know the location from the house that me and papa stayed at?" you asked.

"why do you want the location?" he asked.

"well, I want to see and understand what happened there, I heard from the foundation that it's still standing there untouched, I also want to remember the place I was living for 4 years" you said.

"ok.... Let me find the paper I had with the address" he said as he went upstairs and searched through his stuff.

A few minutes later he came downstairs and gave you the paper.

"here it is, when are you going?" he asked.

"I'm flying tonight" you said.

"that was fast, are you in a rush?" he asked.

"no, I just want to get done with it quickly" you said and he nodded.

That night you took the paper and your stuff and left.

On the plane you felt a bit anxious, you were really going to see how it happened.

When you landed you took your stuff and then went to your hotel and put them in your room and left for the house.

You looked at the paper and then at the house.

"damn, i really am here" you said and you opened the big door, It had dried blood

You then went and opened the front door and entered the house, it was kinda ruined on the inside.

You continued to walk around until you heard talking

'is it possible for someone to be in here?' you thought as you quietly approached the room from where the noises came from.

"I don't understand why we still gather here, he's gone and we're free and we have to fear nothing" you heard a man say, where they talking about dio?

"oh shut it hol horse, remember, this was our place before he arrived" a woman said, wait you remember someone named hol horse!

"don't tell me to shut it Mariah! Besides don't we all have our own things to do?" hol horse asked.

"yeah, yeah, you have to go around and act like a 20 year old while In reality you're old as fuck, oingo and boingo have their own lives and I have exciting things happening to me as well... Hol horse we have nothing in our lives to do after devoting our hearts to dio" Mariah said, they were really talking about him!

"someone is listening to our conversation!" boingo said and everyone turned their attention to the door.

"alright, hands in the air and show yourself now" hol horse said, you rolled your eyes and opened the door and revealed yourself.

"who are you? And why are you here?" hol horse asked as he pointed his gun at you.

"did I grow up that much?" you asked and they looked confused but then they realized and started sweating

"hey, no need to become all sweaty and anxious" you said

"i-it's you, (y/n)?" Mariah said and you nodded

"wait, how!? You suddenly disappeared, we thought that they killed you!" hol horse said.

"there's more to the story you guys didn't know, do you have time?" you asked and they nodded

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