Cut Scenes Pt38

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38. Your First heartbreak :,( also you learn something else age 23

You were so happy right now, you might ask why... Well, you were going to surprise your boyfriend with a nice dinner and some good news. He has been working a lot lately and you wanted to do something to relax him.

As you neared his house you heard music, it got louder and louder.

"is he having a party or something? I thought he was exhausted" you asked yourself.

When you stopped the car you got this horrible gut feeling and started making the worst scenarios in your head. You got out and started walking to the front door, you went to ring the bell but you stopped last minute

'if he's doing what I think he's doing then it's better to catch him' you thought, you got the spare key and quietly opened the door, you got inside and quietly closed the door behind you

You followed from where the music was coming from and it soon led you to his bedroom, you put your ear close to the door and listened what was going on. You only heard the musin and some moaning

'if he's cheating on me he's done for!' you thought as you got more and more angry. You sighed and opened the door quickly.... You were right.

The sight before you was disgustingly shocking, he was butt naked on bed, laying on his back, while you supposed best friend was riding him. They both gasped and tried to cover themselves, you walked over and turned off the radio

"so that's what you've been busy with? That's why you were so exhausted?" you asked him, he didn't answer

"and that's why you were also busy and didn't have time to hang out? You were fucking my boyfriend?" you asked, she just looked down

"babe please-" your boyfriend started to say but you cut him off

"shut up and don't call me babe again! And to think that I got so worried about you and came over to cook you something and take care of you while you rested! YOU WERE HERE FUCKING MY FRIEND!!!" you said while laughing

"and you... YOU CHEAP WHORE THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO YOUR FRIENDS? GO AROUND AND FUCK THEIR BOYFRIENDS?!?" you yelled at her, you then took out your phone and snapped a photo

"what are you doing?" she asked

"I'm just going to send this to all of our friends so they can know what a backstabbing bitch you are!" you said and you send it to everyone saying to be careful about the boyfriend stealing backstabbing bitch

"I don't want to know you two. I want you to be gone from my life" you said and then you pointed at your boyfriend

"we're over, I'm done with you and I'm breaking up with you, you dare to contact me and I'll get a restraining order on you, and do not even try to get closer to me, I will beat the shit out of you" you told him and you then looked at your friend

"and you.... We've been friends since I moved here and you decided to pull that shit? I knew you were jealous but oh my God, I didn't know you would go this far and steal my now ex! But whatever, trash deserve trash, you two can be together.... My ex boyfriend and my ex best friend, I don't care, you two truly deserve each other, you're both two cheating trash people" you said as your ex friend cried

"cry all you want bitch, you'll lose all your friends for what you did, but even if they continue to be around you I'll just stop talking to them, I don't need toxic and lying people around me... You can now both go to hell, goodbye" you said as you turned the radio on full blust and walked out, while making your way to the door you smashed stuff on the ground and brought everything expensive he had in his house and everything he cared for, you didn't care anymore.

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