Cut Scenes Pt17

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17. Idk (age 4)

You walked around the house while being very bored, you tried to get Jotaro to play with you but he always made excuses, also holly wasn't available because she had lots of stuff to do, and you also didn't want to call Jonathan because you felt like you were a bit of a weight on him

While being alone you had some time to think, the people that you met the day your dad went on business trip, only Joseph, avdol and Polnareff were nice and gave you attention. Kakyoin seemed uncomfortable around you and Jotaro was kinda the same.

You took a stick and waved it around and then started poking bugs and frogs, you sighed because you felt really bored and sad.

'why hasn't papa called to see how I am or for me to know how he is?' you thought as you frowned

'does he not care about me? Does he not love me anymore? No one seems to like me..... If I run away will they even care?' you thought, the more you thought the sadder you got and tears start to form in your eyes.

You quickly wiped them and pushed these thoughts away.

You soon got more bored and just went into the house and walked around again, you stopped when you heard voices in the living room, you went there and peaked your head in there and saw kakyoin and Jotaro playing video games, you wanted to play too but decided not too.

You then went in the kitchen and Holly turned around and looked at you.

"oh, just in time, go and call the boys over, dinner is ready" she said and you nodded and left, she immediately frowned because she felt that something was wrong.

You went in the living room and spoke.

"dinner is ready" you said and they looked at you.

"you two eat, we'll eat later" Jotaro said and they continued playing.

You went back to the kitchen and told Holly what they said and she nodded and just put two plates for the both of you.

"(y/n)?" she asked and you looked at her.

"is everything alright? You're very quiet and it kinda concerns me" she said.

"I'm bored and I just don't know what to do" you said and she nodded.

"I can tell the boys to let you play with them" she said.

"I don't want to play video games" you said.

"maybe I can tell them to play something else with you" she said with a smile

"I don't want to play, I'll just go and read something" you said, holly was right, something was wrong, after you left for the library she quickly put the dishes in the sink and went to the living room.

"hey, boys? Have you noticed something different going on with (y/n)?" she asked and they looked at her.

"no, not really" kakyoin said.

"why? Something's wrong?" Jotaro asked.

"she seems... Sad for some reason and more closed to herself" she said.

"if she's like that right now imagine how she'll be after she finds out" Jotaro said.

"I don't even want to think about it" holly said

Meanwhile you were just reading a book, well, tried, you couldn't focus because negative thoughts were plugging your mind.

"is everything ok?" you heard Jonathan ask, he must of appeared on his own.

"yeah" you said as you turned the page to the next one.

"are you sure? I can sense that something is wrong" he said.

"it's nothing" you said as you gripped the book

"... I know you're lying, can you please tell me so I can help you?" he asked as he sat down besides you.

"there's nothing wrong, I'm fine" you said, but a few tears falling from your face gave you away.

Jonathan sighed and he pulled you close to him and hugged you.

"can you please tell me? You're worrying me" he said.

"I just feel like I'm not wanted here... I want to go home" you said and he sighed.

"why do you feel like you're not wanted here? If they didn't want you here they would ignore you, but they're not doing that" he said as he tried to calm you down.

"I want to go home, I want to be with papa... I miss him" you said and Jonathan didn't know how to answer

"it's gonna be fine..." he said as he caressed your head.

"can you please not tell the others how I feel? I don't want to upset them" you said.

"I... I'll try" he said.

"hey (y/n)?... What about we go outside and play?" he asked and you nodded.

"first wipe those tears, as you said let's not worry them" he said and you wiped your tears.

The two of you then went outside and started playing

"hey, what's these noises?" kakyoin asked

"I'll go and check" Jotaro said as he got up and went over to see what was going on.

When he got out he saw you and Jonathan playing, you were sitting on his shoulders and he was running around, while making sure that you wouldn't fall, you were having way too much fun and you couldn't stop giggling.

"well, I shouldn't of worried that much about her" Jotaro heard Holly talk

"she has Jonathan to cheer her up after all" she said and then she left.

Jotaro looked back at the two of you and now Jonathan was just spinning you around by your hands and you were laughing.

'maybe she won't represent dio if she stays around him' he thought and then left.

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