What If Pt35

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35. All of Dio's remaining stand users tried to fight the crusaders?//SHORT// (age 5)

Today...unfortunately, the crusaders were Babysitting you, so you all went out to have lunch.

"and she'll have the kids meal" Joseph said and the waiter nodded and left with everyone's orders.

"why do I have to eat the kids meal and not a meal like yours?" you asked.

"because you're smaller and younger and your stomach is also smaller and it's not the same as mine, I eat more and you eat less because our stomachs are different" Joseph said.

"yeah but she's no small child, she has big appetite" Polnareff said

"that is true, well if she is still going to be hungry then we can order again" Joseph said.

After a while your meal arrived and everyone started eating.

"I wanted fries too" you said.

"eat your food first and then we might get fries too" Joseph said and you nodded

After a while, people circled around your table, you looked up and saw many familiar faces, they were in Egypt, they were helping your father.

"what are you all doing here?" Joseph asked as he got up, the rest got up as well.

"hand her over" hol horse said as he pointed the gun at them.

"you lost against us many times hol horse, besides we won't give (y/n) to you" Joseph said.

"then we'll take her by force" oingo said

"you are not taking her with you" Jonathan said as he walked up to the others.

"and who the hell are you to tell us what to do?" Mariah asked.

"who am I? I think you've heard my name from dio, my name is Jonathan joestar" Jonathan said and they seemed shocked, kakyoin closed your ears because you didn't nead to hear the next parts yet.

"but... He killed you, you're dead, and he stole your body!" hol horse said

"he did.... Since he stole my body and used it to have (y/n) that means she's my daughter too.... And you don't want to anger me, if you dare to touch my child you will see dio again, in hell this time" Jonathan said.

"you're literally powerless, how can you beat us?" Mariah asked.

"I said don't anger me, I really don't want to fight but you give me no other option, if you continue this might as well do it" Jonathan said.

"remember, you're a gentleman, and you also don't hit women" Polnareff said.

"oh yeah, right! But I can't let them get (y/n)! Besides, dio let me be responsible for her if he ever died" Jonathan said.

"he could never trust his child with a joestar" hol horse said.

"I think he would, unlike you, dio knew me for about 8 years, meanwhile he only knew about you for a few months, he had told me if he ever died to take care of (y/n) since she's my child as well" Jonathan said.

"whatever, they still need to die, they killed him and they let this child without a Father" hol horse said.

"she has a Father!! I'm her father!! And you won't dare to touch my descendants and their friends!" Jonathan said.

"whatever old man, guys, let's fight them" Mariah said, suddenly everyone was on the ground and with bloody faces.

"yare yare.... They really pissed me off" Jotaro said, he stopped time and beat them up.

"let's pay and leave" Joseph said, he payed and then you all left, meanwhile kakyoin still had his hands over your ears.

"we should be careful... They might actually try to kidnap her" Jonathan said.

"it'll be fine, after that I don't think they'll dare to touch her" Joseph said

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