All the great and good there

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Kelsey POV

"Kelsey?" I heard Alisha call out. I went downstairs to see her and Harry down at the bottom of the stairs.

"Here ya go" Harry said awkwardly giving me the bag with the test in it.

"Thanks..." Wow. This is really awkward. I just looked down at my feet.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alisha asked.

"No. It's okay, I'm just a little scared" I nervously chuckled. In really scared.

"Don't be" Alisha gave me a hug.

"It's not as bad as it seems. I mean, if you are pregnant, not saying that you don't look prefab or anything...." Harry awkwardly stumbled over his words.

"Thank you?" I chuckled. " I'll be up in the bathroom, be down in a minute"

"Okay" Each step I took up the stairs I could feel my heart beat fasten. I'm really scared.

I got into the hallway and walked all the way down and took a left. I stepped into the bathroom and just sat on the toilet thinking.

What happens if I'm pregnant?
What will I do?
How will I tell Michael?
Will he believe me?
Will he fly back and help?
Will he be there for his unborn child?

All these thoughts were running around in my head.

"It's gonna be okay Kelsey, everything will work out". I told myself.

I got up off the toilet seat to open the lid. I opened the test box and read the directions, easy enough.

I pulled down my pants and peed on the stick. (This is so weird)

Once I was done with my business I laid some toilet paper down on the counter and put the stick there. I wiped and flushed the toilet.

I closed the lid and just waited. The box said I had to wait ten minutes. I pulled out my phone and played on it. I got a text from Michael.

M: Hey :)
K: Hi :)
M: What's up?
K: Nothin....just waiting....
M: For?
K: Something.
I really didn't wanna tell Michael about this over text or phone. If I am pregnant I want to tell him face-to-face.
M: Don't wanna say?
K: Not over phone....
M: Oh..
K: When's the next time you'll be in England?
M: In about a week, gonna work on some stuff with 1D
K: Cool! I know them lol
M: For real? How? Lol
K: My best friend, Alisha, is married to Harry styles. I'm the godmother of their little girl, Mia.
M: oh! I've met them! Wow lol. I've heard so much about you!
K: All good, right!
M: Of course ;)
K: Good :p
M: Anyway, I gotta go do a sound check, I'll talk to you later tonight?
K: Sure, bye :)
M: bye :)

I looked at the time, It's been nine minutes. Only one more to go. It could go by any faster! I sat and waited. Finally, I looked at my phone and saw two minute pass. I'm not ready to look.

"Alisha!" I yelled. I heard her run up the stairs.

"Yeah?" She said outside the door.

"Can you come check this for me? I'm scared. The doors unlocked"

She opened the door and smiled at me.

"Wanna go wait in my room? Or just stay here"

"I'll stay here, it's ready.." I said nervously.

"Okay, clothes your eyes. On the count of three we'll look" I nodded my head.




"Three!" I opened my eyes to see Alisha had the test in her hand. She was smiling. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Kelsey?" She called.

"Yeah? What does it say? Read it!!"

"Kelsey....your gonna be a mom!" Alisha said with a potty smile.

Holy shit.

I grabbed the test out of her hand and looked at it. Sure enough, it was positive.

"Are you okay?" Alisha asked. I didn't realize that I had tears down my face. I wasn't sad though....

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled at her, a genuine smile.

"Your gonna be a great mom!" She leaned down and hugged me, I stood up.

"Thanks, I'm so scared...." I was still smiling.

"Don't be, both Me and Harry will be here for you"

"Good, I would hope the godparents would be" I smiled at her and she looked happy/shocked.

"Oh my gosh!! Are you serious?!?" She was smiling.

"Of course, you are my best friend"

"Oh my god!! HARRY!!" She yelled for. We were both in the bath room smiling and happy crying.

"What?!? Is everything ok?!?" Harry asked running up the stairs.

"We're gonna be godparents!" Alisha yelled, placing her hand on my stomach.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?!?" Harry stepped I and gave a bear hug.

"I thought you were gonna be sad" Harry chuckled.

"No, I'm not sad....just scared"

"We're gonna both be here for you" Alisha said, I smiled at both of them.

"Have you told....?" Alisha trailed off.

"Not yet, I'm gonna next week, when he comes back to England to work with the 1D guys" I smiled at Harry.

"Are you serious?!? Who?!?" Harry and Alisha chuckled.


"See!! I told you!!" Alisha said, hitting Harry's arm. I gave them a questioning look.

"We were gonna try to set you and Michael up, we thought y'all would be a really cute couple."

"Clearly I beat ya to it! I laughed.

"I guess so!" Alisha laughed with me.

"Still up for that girls night?"

"Of course!"

"Good" We headed downstairs.

I can't believe it.....I'm pregnant!

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