Beauty Rituals and Wienczyslaw Triple R

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"Awesome!" Kelly called from the bathroom, where she was examining her hair from all angles with the help of a hand mirror. She bounced back into the kitchen, where Eleanor was sweeping her hair clippings into a dust pan. "I think that's the cutest haircut I have ever had. Thanks!"

"I was happy to do it," Eleanor said, emptying the dust pan into the garbage. "It made me feel that I accomplished at least one useful thing today."

"You filled out and submitted eight job applications, endured a disgustingly nit-picky telephone interview, cleaned the kitchen, and dusted the living room. Those are all useful."

"I guess so." Eleanor's tone of voice did not reflect any appreciation of her achievements. She had kept moving only because she was afraid that if she let herself sit down and do nothing, she would never move again.

Almost three weeks had passed since Kelly's return. She had donated almost all her pay towards the mortgage payment, and they were safe for another month, although they would not be eating any gourmet dishes anytime soon. Pamina had departed, and her room was immaculate, waiting for a new occupant. Hal's things still cluttered the downstairs bedroom, the furnace room, and the loft. Despite her threats, Eleanor had not mustered sufficient ruthlessness to dispose of them. In any case, she couldn't afford to pay someone to make everything disappear.

Kelly had been by her side every possible moment, cheering her on. After Pamina's exercise equipment was relocated, they went for long walks together, interspersed with stretches and resilience meditations on park benches. Eleanor had no idea how she could have survived without Kelly's ruthlessly cheerful coaching, supplemented with quotations from her self-help books. Even though the cuts in Kelly's hours were a financial disaster, she treasured every minute that Kelly was able to spend with her.

Whenever Patrick phoned from the land line at Jared's place to report on his latest adventures, she stuffed her emotions, listened carefully, and tried to mirror what he was trying to tell her. That had worked surprisingly well. Even though Patrick had no idea that she was in trouble, she believed that they were finally growing closer. Every conversation ended with a mutual declaration of love.

This morning, Eleanor had surveyed Kelly's shaggy dog look and was inspired to offer her a trim. It had been years since she had cut anyone's hair, but even an amateurish effort would be an improvement. It had taken her a while to unearth the manuals and equipment from her beauty school days, but it had been worth the effort.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're a hair stylist?" Kelly asked. "That's a marketable skill."

"I didn't finish the course."

"But you obviously learned something. What else can you do?"

"Facials, manis and pedis, chair massage, and some reflexology."

"Why aren't you applying at salons?"

"I don't have any credibility. No certificate, no job experience."

"Well, I'm going to try to drum up some business for you," Kelly said. "I bet there are quite a few women who would be happy to be your clients if you're willing to undercut salon prices."

"I can't afford to stock the cosmetics I need."

"We'll just tell them to bring their own lotions and potions. They might even like that."

Eleanor wasn't at all convinced that Kelly's approach would work, but she kept her opinions to herself. Even if Kelly was unable to bring in any business, studying her beauty manuals would help pass the time, and she could use Kelly as a guinea pig. Anyone would appreciate a foot massage after a hard day's work.

The doorbell rang. Kelly scurried into the hall and admitted Hal, flanked by two husky young men. Hal shuffled into the kitchen, leaning on a cane.

"Hello, my angels!" Hal's greeting was full of boundless enthusiasm. "Say hello to Rolf and Telek Wienczyslaw, who have offered to help me transfer my possessions to my new quarters. They are the grandsons of my new landlord."

"Hi," Kelly said perkily. "I'm Kelly, and the lady over there is my landlady Eleanor."

"Don't forget to get the stuff out of the loft," Eleanor said. "And give me back my key now, before you forget."

"I'm not sure where it is," Hal said, fumbling through his pockets.

Eleanor sighed. "I should have known." But she pulled out a chair for him and invited him to sit down.

"Why don't we start with the loft?" Kelly said. "I hope you brought a big truck."

"Oh yes," Telek said. "We're professional movers. Wienczyslaw Triple R has been a family business for four generations. Rental, Removal, and Relocation. I worked my first move when I was seven, and my kid brother here was only four and a half when he assisted with a move because the baby sitter cancelled at the last minute."

The trio trooped up the stairs, chatting happily. Eleanor gazed at Hal, trying to sort out her feelings. "Sorry about your back," she said at last. He looked like he might actually be in pain, rather than trying to weasel out of work.

"Yes," Hal said. "It's fortunate that I don't do heavy lifting for a living."

"Let's move to the living room," Eleanor suggested, "so we don't get in the way."

"Could I possibly take the bed?" Hal said. "Telek lent me an army cot, but it is not very comfortable."

Eleanor frowned, trying to make a decision. She would love to turn that room into an office space, even though she didn't actually need an office. On the other hand, the bed would be useful if Patrick stayed overnight. But Patrick was young and seemed to have no problems with the air mattress, while Hal was probably suffering the tortures of the damned on the army cot.

"I suppose so," she said. "If you don't need it any more, don't dispose of it without checking with me first. I might want it back."

"How about the bedside stand? It matches the headboard so nicely."

"Don't push your luck."

They engaged in a desultory conversation about politics and the weather while Telek, Rolf and Kelly worked like whirlwinds, their banter punctuating Max's howls from the bathroom. Forty-five minutes later, all of them disappeared. Kelly appeared to believe that her assistance was essential to facilitate the unloading process.

"Well, it's just you and me again," Eleanor told Max as she released him from the bathroom. "What would you like for supper?"

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