Tea or Brandy?

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"So – what is Hal after this time?" Eleanor asked Kelly.

"Maybe he was just lonely, and his money was burning a hole in his pocket. He can be quite generous on payday."

"He was asking a lot of questions about Belle. I'm glad I didn't know anything, because it would be a real faux pas to discuss her private affairs behind her back."

"All you would have to say is that Belle's private affairs are private."

"You know Hal is a genius at worming information out of people. I wonder what their relationship is. Do you think they're dating?"

"I didn't see that kind of body language between them. More likely a client, or the relative of one."

"Do you think he could possibly be a financial advisor to the Amamiya family?" Eleanor mused. "Lots of money to manage there."

"They probably have an army of Japanese financial specialists."

"He and Belle can't be that close, or he'd know all the details about her move."

"She's probably too busy to take his calls."

"Or they've had a falling out."

"Do you see what we're doing?" Kelly exclaimed. "We both have loads of things to tell each other, and instead, we're focused on Hal. He's not the centre of the universe."

Eleanor laughed. "You're right. But he bought dinner for the two of us and his credit card didn't bounce. That's a miracle worth noting."

"Noted," Kelly said. "Now tell me about your new job."

"It's awesome." Eleanor's words spilled out, tumbling over each other. "I'm being upgraded to full-time so that I can give back rubs and foot massages to all the patients that want them. Eileen – Ms Carmichael said I could call her Eileen – said she would look into getting supplies for manis and pedis as well. I work from eight to five, with an unpaid hour for lunch and two paid breaks, and get a block of four days off every two weeks. Volunteers will take over on my off days, and I get to train them. Someone will start shadowing me on Wednesday."

"Take it easy," Kelly cut in. "You're talking so fast I can barely follow you."

"Sorry," Eleanor laughed.  "I'll try to slow down. I haven't been so excited since – since – since I don't know when. The idea of having a job I actually like just blows my mind. I just hope it doesn't become a victim of budget cuts."

"It sounds like it will be safe as long as Mrs. Willoughbee is alive and vocal."

"I hope she lives a long time," Eleanor said. "Your turn. How's your love life?"

Kelly blushed. "Awesome."

"Anything I should know about? A juicy detail or two?"

"Nothing juicy to report. Rolf and I talk a lot, about everything. I have a lot of fantasies, but he's never tried to jump my bones. He's kissed me a couple of times, that's all."

"Wow. That's unusual. Pre-Woodstock."

"I think it might be a cultural thing. Or maybe he doesn't think of me ... in that way."

"You could ask.'

"I don't want to scare him off. I really, really, really like him."

Eleanor's phone started playing a jig.

"Damn, it's Susan. I have to take this." She picked up her phone and swiped it. There was a lot of background noise.

"Hello? What's up?"

Susan's voice was shaky. "I'm at the airport. Leaving in twenty minutes. Dad's had a stroke."

"A bad one?"

"Too soon to tell. I'll phone you as soon as I know."

"I got the job at the hospital," Eleanor said.

"I suppose that means you're not free to come home. We could really use your support."

Home? My home is right here, in the Blue Elephant. As for support, where were Mom and Dad when I really needed them?

"Have a good trip," Eleanor said. "Try to get some sleep."

She disconnected.

Dad, don't you dare die. I don't have time for a funeral right now.

"Bad news?" Kelly asked.

"My father had a stroke."

Kelly put her arms around her. "Sorry," she murmured.

"Why does this shit always happen to me?" Eleanor sniffled, feeling overwhelmingly guilty. "Couldn't I have just one beautiful sunny day when everything's A-okay?"

"Life is what happens while you're making other plans."

Eleanor pulled away. "Is that from one of your stupid self-help books?"

"Social media, actually."

They stared at each other. "Tea – or brandy?" Eleanor asked.

"Let's stick to tea. We'll be sorry if we're hung over in the morning."

"The voice of wisdom," Eleanor said.  "At least one of us still has some common sense.  Left to myself, I'd probably drink myself to sleep."

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